Challenge #40 Info

Jan 14, 2011 15:40

Awesome! With that week extension we got enough entries to post the vote! will go up tonight, as will the winners from the previous challenge.
As of right now Challenge 40 is closed. Voting will go up later today/tonight.
Banners for Challenge 39 will be up a few days after the winners are posted.

Thank you to all the members who participated!

After Challenge 40 is done (voting, winners, banners) I will be leaving the community. I just don't like how it seems to be going as far as the maintainer is concerned, so I'll be moving on.
If you liked my style in running a community, if you liked my only challenge, please feel free to friend me or join one of my other communities: bones_stills, xena_stills, icharacter, ss-gg_icons or my writing prompt/challenge community quill_it

It's been awesome fun, and I hope to someday create a costume-themed community that's as beautiful as this one.
You can look on my profile page if you'd like updates about the communities I run and ones I'll be creating.

Thank you to everyone!


!announcement, challenge 040

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