What's new?

May 28, 2005 21:05

Ok, well, let's see...what's new with me?

Well, nearly two weeks ago, I developed the stomach bug or food poisoning from hell, and after 5 hours of vomiting, landed myself in the hospital to be rehydrated and given meds to stop the vomiting. Not fun. Since then, I've had a lot of soreness in my arm where the IV was, and the pain started spreading up my arm. Finally went to the doctor yesterday after it started to get red and hot to the touch and I had trouble bending my wrist. Turns out I have a soft tissue infection from the IV. The hospital screwed up and somehow introduced bacteria into my body. Had I not gone to the doctor, it would have only gotten worse and could have eventually become life-threatening. Lovely. My doc said these have to be treated very seriously, and I'm now on a hard and heavy antibiotic regiment for 10 days. I've never taken this many antibiotics before.

Then, I get the bill for the emergency room visit. $1,200. No, seriously. And best of all, in the detailed billing, over $470 is just for "Other theraputic services" - what's that? So not only will I be calling to give a formal complaint of service for giving me a soft tissue infection, I will also be calling them to figure out who they're trying to scam with a bill like this. Lesson learned: don't go to Doctor's Hospital.

Cordy now has her first tooth. It's barely there, but the top of it is finally through her gums. It's been a rough week while waiting for that tooth - lots of crying, lots of sleepless nights, lots of misery....and Cordy's been a wreck as well. At one point I nearly broke out the Scotch - for her AND for me!

I also started my new job this week, and it's going well so far. Great people to work with, great supervisors, and the job looks rewarding. Plus it's so nice to have shorter hours. Seeing Cordy all day on Friday is just wonderful. I'm working day hours until the end of June for training, but then I'll start my normal hours in July.
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