Twelfth [Private]

Jun 15, 2009 23:52

Some days it just feels pointless.

I work with people, for people, who would be willing to stand by while others destroy everything we're supposed to protect, peoples' rights, the people themselves, even our own people. A lot of them did stand by while that happened. And they almost didn't let me back in because I spoke out against it.

Why did I want back in, after Blackbriar? To save lives? Do I really even do that?

What do I do here? Oversee people uncovering threats to Ukrainian sovereignty? Authorize action revealing moles? I'm management. I sign papers. Dozens of people could do the same thing. They just probably wouldn't be willing to put in so much unpaid overtime. The Agency must have let me keep my position to keep the budget down.

I've spent my life doing work that can be reversed any moment, by an opposing interest, by timing things wrong, by choosing the wrong people, even by some idiot in the White House who doesn't like the article an agent's husband wrote.

I just don't think I'd be able to do anything else.

(( She thinks she deleted this. You have a small window of comment time before she realizes this posted and she locks it- and that's over. ))

ic, virus, cia

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