
Mar 07, 2009 23:06

[ Intended to only be open to Cori, but accidentally left open to everyone "trustworthy," meaning that Leon, Chris, and David can see this too. ]

I let him get first mover advantage. I can't allow myself to slip like that.

What he could learn about me through the community
-My name
-People I've talked to, including Chris and Leon
-That I currently work in shipping and used to work for state
-That I maintain an interest in government

With enough digging he could find
-That I have a master's in political science from Georgetown
-What languages I speak
-That I've had several locked conversations, if he has the hacking skills to see that. But I doubt he could get into any of them.

What he could find out through Youtube and presumably other sites
-Who I really work for
-Who some of those conversations might have been with, assuming he recognizes Webb
-...Some false information

What I know about him
-Albert Wesker, also calls himself John Whitman
-Wanted bioterrorist
-A "tyrant," he's gained superhuman powers through a virus
-Used to work for Umbrella before its collapse
-May be working to refound it
-May be seeking to use community members as test subjects
-Has a history with everybody else from his world who's here, especially Chris
-Enjoys taunting and baiting
-Has an interest in gather information about and manipulating others
-May have some hacking ability
-"Resident Evil"

-His priorities remain on his own world, any interest in people from other worlds stems from a concern with his own.
-Given his methods I've observed, he didn't have much information on me at the time of our conversation. Those insults were basic.

I'm going to have to do more work on this.

ic, spy games, -ing wesker

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