No class today! Yay ^_^ Well, sort of no class :P The teacher gave us tons and tons of work that has to be done outside of class so she gave us a day to work on it ^_^ Sadly, I didn't even work on my stuff for that class because I so much work in my other classes... *sigh* ^_^ At least school doesn't let me be bored :D
On to fun stuff! ^_^ I have a new video game ^_^ I know I need to be playing Kingdom Hearts 2 so I can actually see the ending :( I am giving myself a deadline :) I have to beat the game by New Years! ^_^ I think I can make it. Anyway, the new game is Cooking Mama ^_^ a very sweet friend of mine sent it to me ^_^ the game is so much fun and totally addictive 0_o I like it because I can play it for a few minutes as a break complete a few dishes and get back to work ^_^ When I play Kingdom Hearts it is always an hour or much more at a time the game sucks me *_* With Cooking Mama I just pick it up and have a little fun at a time ^_^ It is great for long waits. I was at the movies over the weekend and it was fun to play while waiting for the movie to start :D Normally, I would have talked to everyone and not played a game but my voice is gone :( So yeah the DS and Cooking Mama helped me not be sad since I couldn't join in on the conversation with everyone. ^_^
I bought the stuff to make Cooking Mama's little costume because I thought it would be a fun easy little costume but I can't post any pictures anymore without my website. :( It feels weird not having it *_*
IGN's Screen Shots of Cooking Mama Game There we go I can at least post links of the game ^_^ Super cute cooking game ^_^
Alright, well I just finished typing up one paper but I think I will wait until tomorrow to finish my others. *huggles* Have a wonderful week! ^_^