Health Update

May 20, 2009 10:07

You may (or may not ) remember the fun I had last year with my health.  Well, since then there's been good news and potentially bad news.

Good news:

- Earlier this month, my hematologist finally took me off blood anti-coagulation medication (I was on that stuff for just over a year).  Now we just "wait and see what happens next".  If I have another episode - and it doesn't kill me, then I will have to go back on the meds for life.  This also means that I can eat green veggies and drink green tea/green tea-based products again! XDD  You see, green tea and green leafy veggies are good for you, but they also contain a lot of vitamin K  compared to other sources.  Vitamin K promotes blood clotting - normally this is good, but in my case it was the LAST thing we wanted to happen.  -_-;;

Potentially bad news:

- The cholesterol test indicated near-borderline HDL (high-density lipoprotein, "good" cholesterol) and triglyceride levels (click this link for background on cholesterol levels).  Since my LDL (low-density lipoprotein, "bad" cholesterol) levels also low (good thing), the doc didn't officially classify me as a borderline diabetic.  So, to keep me from reaching borderline status, my doctor decided to place me on a no-carb, no-sugar diet (she wants me to lose weight too  -_-;;; ) until we re-test sometime mid-June.  I'm pretty optimistic that I'll get better numbers on the retest....  and I already went down at least one size in pants.

Seriously - when this is over, theres some sushi and a cauldron of curry udon with my name written all over it...  It'll be on then and it won't be pretty!!  X3

health, update, cosplay hunter, non-gallery

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