I haven't been on myspace in a while, I only get on to play a mobster app. But I got on.. ended up going to Jeffree Star's profile because I noticed the change in his hair.. sue me I'm not a stalker fan. But then I read his coming out day blog while listening to his song Starstruck, the man never ceases to amaze me by showing the world his brains. I copied the blog and am going to post it here, NOT UNDER A CUT. Yes it is long, but I'm not going to hide it. I did not write this, I wish I did but I can't take credit for it, but I agree with this 100% and you need to take the few minutes out of your day and sit and READ IT. It is also a public entry, I want EVERYONE to read this.
Today is National Coming Out Day so I have a little secret for you:
And I'm proud of it. I barely ever talk politics but I'm putting down my Louis Vuitton for a moment to be real with you.
There are ballot initiatives all across the country trying to deny equal rights to gays and lesbians. Not special rights - equal rights. No one is asking for an "I suck cock" tax break. All gay marriage initiatives do is provide the same rights and protections to gay couples as straight couples. Denying anyone rights, such as being able to visit your loved one in the hospital, is inhumane. If these laws were to ban mixed-race couples or inter-faith marriage or any of the other differences that make people unique, would it have such strong support?
There is strong support to give gays equal rights and its coming from people of all sexualities. Everyone should come together for tolerance. Newly married hot hetero Pete Wentz and all of Fall Out Boy donated money to the No on Prop 8 fight in California. The sexiest straight man on the planet - Brad Pitt - gave money. They know its not about protecting rights for their marriages but extending the rights they already enjoy to the deserving and loving gay couples that don't have the same protection. Pete Wentz could be sitting at home with his pregnant wife and not care about the rights of gays. He's not gay so it doesn't affect him. Brad Pitt could be chasing after his 16 children and not bothering to fight for someone else's happiness. But they, and many others both famous and not, are fighting for the rights of gays even though they, as married straight people, already have the rights gays are fighting to receive.
A lot of the support is based around faith. Well, like it or not, we're not a Christian nation. If we allow one religion's view to legislate the rights of all our citizens, where does it stop? If gays can't get married because "God made Adam and Eve", then why doesn't the government revoke citizenship status for anyone not Christian? If we're going to legislate Christianity, lets burn the Natural History Museum down for having skeletons of dinosaurs. Hell, burning is fun, lets go back to burning witches since the Bible says you can't suffer a witch to live. Maybe Congress can set up some stakes and we can burn all the Wiccans. That's equality!
That is not how this country works. There is
a video by the Yes on Prop 8 camp that gets up in arms that San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom says gay marriage is going to "happen whether you like it or not." And you know what? That is true. Just like women got voting rights and black people finally got the right to sit wherever they want on the bus. Equality will happen whether bigots want it to or not and that is a BEAUTIFUL thing. As these old assholes who were raised in a culture were hating gays was acceptable finally do the world a favor and drop fucking dead, their children who grew up watching Wil and Grace will take over and equality WILL happen. But we have to fight for it because that day could be 30 years from now but with our voices raised, it could be tomorrow.
Connecticut just became the 3rd state in the nation to make gay marriage a reality for the many loving couples that live there. Again, the bigots who are behind the Yes on Prop 8 campaign posted
this very deceptive video where a little girl comes home from school and happily tells her mother she learned in school today that two princes can get married and when she grows up she can marry a princess if she wants. Really cute, right? What an amazing message for tolerance and equity. But no, promoting tolerance and acceptance of everyone's lifestyles in schools is something to be feared and avoided! I personally don't think schools should teach anything about marriage - gay or straight - because that is a family matter. But schools should absolutely promote tolerance and acceptance of all. Or should we not learn about anyone who is different from us? Should we stop teaching white school children about Martin Luther King and Rosa Parks? Should only the deaf, dumb, and blind be able to learn about Helen Keller? Hell, if you have a vag then you get to skip out on most of American History because you don't need to know about our Founding Fathers. You should just be barefoot, pregnant in the kitchen making me a fucking sandwich. And lets not talk about that Ghandi dude. He's not the same as me so obviously nothing he said can have any value on my life!
This "defense of marriage" crap is largely based on a bunch of bullshit. A few weeks ago at a Senate hearing on equal family benefits for gay and lesbian federal workers, Howard Weizmann referenced the plot of "I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry" as evidence the program would be scammed. Since that movie was about two STRAIGHT guys scamming the system, don't you think it would prove heterosexuals are more likely to commit fraud? Oh wait, its not proving anything because its A FUCKING MOVIE! What's next, dictating our education policy based on Ferris Buller's Day Off? How about giving a copy of Tropic Thunder to our troops in Iraq and telling them to copy that?
Oh and speaking of gays in the military, fuck your Don't Ask, Don't Tell. Being gay shouldn't be some secret shame. We allow people of every color and creed in our nation's armed forces. Why should who you fuck make any difference? The government, based on Don't Ask Don't Tell
fired Arabic and Farsi translators in the middle of a war with groups that primarily speak those languages. Even though we are desperately in need of competent translators to help us figure out terrorists threats, what hole you stick your dick in or if you're getting dicked at all is more important to the government than national security. This report goes back to 1998 so is it so outrageous to think that maybe if we had a competent translator working on the pre-9/11 chatter that tragedy could have been avoided? Is what goes on in someone's bedroom so important that we'd put the nation at risk because of it?
Denying gays their rights is NOT defending marriage. Gays are not mounting a crusade to make sure heteros can't get married. We are simply asking for the same LEGAL rights they receive. That is the issue at hand. Marriage is not just a union between you, your spouse, and God. The government grants you a whole slew of rights to go along with it and it is simply wrong to deny these rights to a group of people for any reason. And civil unions are NOT enough. Separate but equal did not work for racial issues and it will not work for issues based on sexuality. I'm sure the water at the "colored's only" fountain was just fine but I'm sure that it was a bitter drink for everyone who had to swallow it knowing that they weren't "good enough" to drink from the same fountains as their fellow white citizens. Intolerance and bigotry is intolerance and bigotry no matter how you label it. A consolation prize is not good enough. This is about erasing intolerance from our law books. There is no legal reason why gay people should not have the same exact rights as everyone else. None.
Intolerance should be legislated against. Just like voting rights have been granted to all citizens instead of just white landed males. Just like people who are killed based on their skin color are charged with a hate crime. I have a tattoo of a hate crime victim - Matthew Shepard - on my shoulder. He was murdered because he was gay - no other reason - and it is still not considered a hate crime because gays are not currently protected by hate crime legislation. How on earth the murder of Matthew Shepard, which was clearly motivated solely based on his sexuality, is not a hate crime is beyond me. I memorialized him in a tattoo and I have him to 'watch my back'; a sad reminder that until this nation is more tolerant that I have to watch myself because I'm gay and some hateful bigot could hurt me too.
Yeah, I'm fucking fabulous. I have great cars, amazing clothes, wonderful fans, and a great life. But I still can't marry my boyfriend and get the same protection the poorest redneck in a trailer park has. No amount of money can buy me that right. No amount of fame can protect me from a bigot trying to hurt me just because I like men. For all I have, for as lucky as I am, myself and thousands of other gay men and women just like me are lacking the same basic rights guaranteed to the straight world.
So PLEASE, if there is a gay marriage initiative on the ballot in your state, please vote for EQUAL rights and vote to give gays the SAME rights as everyone else! Vote NO on Prop 8 in California! Vote NO on Prop 102 in Arizona! Anywhere you are, vote to give gays and lesbians the same rights as everyone else!