I just finished my exam yesterday and right now I need money really badly since I am not sure if I pass my exam or not, so please I am in need of crash right now.
Please note all my contact lens are all from GEO Lens since I have personal contact with them so the price will be a little more cheaper than other online contact lens.
Right now I am selling a few colors only since I have only a few pairs on hand,
Please note I am selling them for $22.9 I will only take paypal, all the products will be sold and shipped in a few weeks after the payment has been transfered.
I will make sure each product are packed and well protected before shipping please do not worry.
Here are the colors I am selling, do not worry they are all brand new, along with the color number.
I am also a full time cosplayer / comissioner for fm-anime, you are all welcome to contact me threw this email :
choco_baby7@hotmail.com to ask me about the contact lens and orders and how long it will take for me to ship it to you threw my country, it will take around 7 to 2 weeks business day in Hong Kong to ship it to USA so please don't worry I will ship out your orders in one piece.
few color lens I have on sale right now.
Angel Color - Grey [GEO LENS] - Number : CM - 835
Angel Color - World Series Color - World Blue Number : YH - 302
Angel Color - World Series Color - World Green Number : CM - 903
This is the contact lens I am selling right now please do note, that the world blue number is different from the CM - 904 due to the fact that they are limited numbers of this serious beening made, so the number CM - 904 and YH - 302 are different, please note that YH - 302 is the original color and number serious to Angel Color..
I will be updating my costumers sometime soon =] stay tune ^^