For a couple of years a while ago, I had a supply of effectively free money - if I needed some, I could sell some stock options. One of the things I used to do with it was buy rare or out of print CDs that I love, occasionally spending a lot to outbid people on eBay for the ones I wanted most.
This is one of the ones I would have bought, back then, but didn't get around to.
June Tabor is a great English folk singer who came to some international attention among celtic music fans through her 1991 album and tour with The Oyster Band. Her album
On Air is one of the hard ones to find. It's a collection of tracks produced by the BBC in the 70s and 80s, including three covers she did with the Oyster Band: White Rabbit, and Bob Dylan's This Wheel's On Fire and All Along The Watchtower. This is some of my favorite June Tabor & Oyster Band material.
With less than an hour to go on the
eBay auction, the bidding has reached GBP 16.51 (almost $30). If you like this kind of music and have the money, I recommend outbidding them :)