The Nields are back!
I've sort of lost track of them over the past couple of years, after I got in the habit of picking out the full band shows to go to, and then the full band shows dwindled. When Dave and Nerissa split up, the band effectively ceased, and they became "Nerissa & Katryna Nields", a touring acoustic duo. During this time, Nerissa wrote a novel based on one of my favorite Nields songs, This Town is Wrong. The characters in the book have a band, and write songs, and even though the book won't be out for a while, its soundtrack is:
This Town Is Wrong, the Nields' meta-album.
And now the Nields are on tour with a band again. They've done some shows with Dave Hower and Dave Chalfant here and there, but this time they seem to have a consistent lineup for a series of shows. This Saturday they had
a pair of shows at the Iron Horse which I unfortunately missed, but I've been reading enthusiastic reports from Nields fans and wish I'd been there. They have a new bass player, Paul Kochanski, while Dave C and Nerissa traded off the lead guitar role. Gordon Stone played pedal steel at the first show, though I'm not sure if he's gonna be playing more shows with them.
This Saturday night, they will be at
The Paradise on Comm Ave in Boston, at 9:00pm, with
Common Rotation opening. It's an 18+ show, doors open at 8pm, tickets are $12 and available online at
[ Edit: Common Rotation is a duo featuring Adam Busch, who played Evil Warren on Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I hear they're both Nields fans :) ]
P.S. Friday night,
Great Big Sea and
The Push Stars are at
Pearl Street in Northampton, and
Jake Armerding is performing
at Club Passim at 8pm.