The Dresden Dolls won the WBCN rumble semifinals over the weekend, so now they get to perform in the finals. Which, annoyingly, is this Thursday night - the same night as
.WAV and FLUTTR at the Sky Bar. The show will be at the Middle East downstairs. 18+, $12, $10 if you buy tickets in advance.
9:30 - Apollo Sunshine
10:30 - The Dresden Dolls
11:30 - Baby Strange
12:30 - Vendetta Red (headliner, not competing)
It's a hard choice, but I'm going to .WAV and FLUTTR, because:
- I've never seen .WAV live yet
- Dresden Dolls play more often than either .WAV or FLUTTR
- I don't know anything about the other three bands at the rumble finals, which makes it a choice between two bands I love, vs. one band I love and three bands I don't know.
I'm going to save my big Dresden Dolls hype post for the next time I plan to actually go see them myself.