Yay! I have no idea why I'm awake!

Apr 23, 2008 06:02

So, I woke up at 5:30 this morning and couldn't seem to go back to sleep (ever just be very awake for no reason? That's me right now). So, I dunno why, but I'm very awake. Might use this time to get my chapter typeset, but I dunno yet.

So, I would be updating more, but work has actually been extremely busy. Which is good, but I'm ready for my break next week. Boss is going on vacation for the entire week and I'll be off Thursday and Friday to head back down to Jacksonville to see my sister, her husband and my niece (seeing my 2 year old niece for the first time). It'll be the first time I've seen them in over 5 years, they don't even know my husband... so this shall prove to be interesting. How I feel about it? I'm just ready for a break and my massage appointment next Thursday. XD

In other news, I got my game that I've been waiting for. "The World Ends With You", it's a DS game from the masterminds behind Kingdom Hearts for the DS. I'm about 3 hours into it right now and it's proving to be interesting and difficult already. It plays out like a text adventure (the best way I know to describe it) and RPG. You "scan" in order to read people minds (instead of walking up and randomly talking to people) and all of the conversations take place with the cell-shaded characters and comic bubbles (nearly no voice acting, which is good, 'cuz it's dubbed). The music seems to be very interesting as well, though I'm wishing for more variety (which might be to still come). The battle system is real-time with a series of scratching and such using the stylus, but what adds more depth than other DS games have done so far is that you control two characters at once. Your main guy (see icon) on the bottom w/ the stylus and then your partner on the top with pre-determined set of moved with the control pad or buttons (up, up, up, down, left = move, ect.) ...The game also moves in real time (you spend 30 minutes on something, they do too), I'm highly enjoying it so far~

Oh, and I am currently downloading the Zettai Kareshi drama, it's finally been subbed! Yay!
Anyways, might update more later today depending on work. 'Till then, ja~

zettai kareshi, game, drama, the world ends with you, anime

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