Mar 06, 2009 20:49
last night i had old friends from freshman year over for local vermont cheese and baguette and grapes and wine. it ended at the bar which i loathe and where i refuse to ever go again. its just crowded and gross and i constantly get cheap beer spilled on me. the dance floor is small, the music is shitty, and i dislike the majority of people who are there all the time. the fact that going to the bar just makes me want to drink so much that i forget how miserable i am is a warning sign that it is an unhealthy place to be on a thursday night.
i feel like the whole graduation thing is dragging out and it feels like an eternity before i will get there. i got through the first round of fulbright interviews, which i found out at the end of january. that means that i have a better than 50% chance of going to russia next year. good thing that they will notify me between mid-march and LATE JUNE, because that isn't an ambiguous time period, nor do i necessarily want to plan for my future over the next three months. i find out next week or so if i'll be going to summer language school here, aka if i got the fellowship that completely pays for the program and gives me a stipend. my fingers are crossed, but i know if i don't get it that it's not the end of the world and that i have a lot of other options.
i want to lay on my couch and never get up again. between applying for jobs, working on my thesis, keeping up in my other classes, working three jobs, my responsibilities as music director at the radio station, trying to keep vaca alive, writing for various campus publications and simultaneously remaining sane - i feel like i'm sinking.