Title: Anything for Her
Subject: Spike (pov)
Time: Set right after “I Only Have Eyes for You.”
Summary: "Maybe if I ask nicely enough she'll stake me before they leave."
She should have just torn out my heart. Or thrown me into the sunlight. Or even staked me. It would be better than this. But she doesn't understand what she's doing to me.
It would be easier with him still playing the bleeding hero. Instead, here he is taking my girl away from me. Again.
I found them last night. Going at it as always. Then I heard him on the phone this morning-- ordering two first class ship tickets back to Europe. They're leaving. As soon as he kills the slayer.
God. I'm so depressed.
I can't stop her.
Never could.
If he wants her, than he can bloody have her! I don't need her. I'm my own vamp. She can do whatever the hell she wants to with him. Shag him as much as she likes.
Maybe if I ask nicely enough she'll stake me before they leave...
As long as he doesn't do it...
I can't see them together. Not any more. She has my heart, but he's always had hers.
I hope it's quick.
I only want her to be happy.
Death's not too bad...
I died once for her. I'll do it again.