[JE] White Day drabble batch

Dec 06, 2010 01:31

Title: White Day
Pairings: Yamapi/Maki, Kame/Meisa, Tegoshi/Maki/Massu
Rating: G
Summary: series of drabbles for je_whiteday :D


"Happy White Day, Maki-chan~!" Tegoshi and Massu say--though Maki could almost swear they sang it--in unison, dropping an enormous box of what presumably are chocolates on her lap and sitting down on each side of her.

Maki blinks. "Um. Wow. This is--really big."

"Open it!" Tegoshi says excitedly, and Maki complies, laughing a little at his enthusiasm.

Inside is another box, slightly smaller than the one housing it. Maki shakes her head a little in confusion, opening this box--to find another box.

Maki's asking if this is some kind of prank fifteen boxes later.

"Um," Massu begins, sounding sheepish, "We may have gone overboard on the numbers of boxes--"

"Maki-chan likes it!" Tegoshi insists. "Don't you?"

Maki nods, "I now have enough to start a box collection, if there is such a thing."

The smallest box contains three heart-shaped chocolates. Tegoshi launches into a hurried explanation: "The first batch we made was burned--"

"So we threw that away," Massu puts in.

"And the next batch was okay--"

"But the hearts looked lopsided," Massu says, and Tegoshi finishes, "Except for these three!" He looks at Maki anxiously. "Do you like it?"

Maki takes one of the hearts and nibbles on it. A smile curls over her lips. "It's perfect."

She hands one to Tegoshi and the remaining one to Massu; and as they eat their chocolate together Tegoshi thinks life tastes just as sweet.


Yamapi is never not busy, so he decides to ask Maki point-blank what she'd like for White Day besides the usual box of chocolates instead of trying to surprise her. She answers thoughtfully, "I'd like a home-cooked dinner by candlelight," and Yamapi wishes he chose to surprise her instead.

What Maki wants is simple, really, except for the fact that Yamapi can't cook. Well, he can, actually--he can fry. And...stuff. But it's White Day, and he's sure the kind of cooking he does isn't one that Maki would appreciate for the occasion.

He calls up Ryo first. "Hey, you know how to cook, right?"

"Of course I do," Ryo answers, as if it should have been obvious.

Yamapi narrates his predicament in between Ryo's mean laughter and in the end swallows his pride completely by asking for Ryo's help. Ryo asks, "What's your menu?"


"Menu, you idiot, what dish are you going to cook for her! Don't tell me you called without even knowing what--"

Yamapi hangs up on him, goes online and searches for an elaborate dish, and calls Ryo back up and recites it to him. Ryo deadpans, "What do you think I am, a fucking gourmet cook?" and hangs up on Yamapi this time after telling him that he has his own White Day problems to deal with so today is every man for himself.

True enough, each of the so-called friends he calls up after are either not answering their phones or cannot be reached. Yamapi sighs, throws away the recipe he'd printed out earlier and decides on a soba noodle dish. Boil, drain, rinse, stir, mix... cooking surely isn't bound to be that hard, right?

It is, actually, as he finds out hours later. He gives up on cooking, cleans up the kitchen lest Maki think there'd been a massive explosion of some sort in there, and orders for takeout.

"Takeout, my favorite!" Maki says teasingly as Yamapi leads her to the extravagantly set-up table on the balcony.

"Yeah, I-- How did you know?!"

She stands on tiptoes, pressing a kiss to his cheek. "I saw the styrofoams on the trashbin outside. Next time, hide them well and I'll pretend I don't know anything."

He pulls out a chair for her, looking disgruntled, and she giggles. "It's alright. It's nice to know you tried to cook for me, anyway." She looks up at him, taking his hand and kissing his palm. "Thank you."

Their dinner is lovely, save for the time when Yamapi is reaching for the wine bottle and knocks over one of the candles, nearly setting the tablecloth on fire.


"This?" Meisa asks incredulously, looking around. "This is your idea of a White Day date, Kamenashi?" She sweeps out her arm, gesturing widely to the spectacular view of Tokyo from their position more than a thousand feet up in Tokyo Tower.

"What's wrong with it?" Kame asks, wrenching his gaze away from the large glass windows to look at her, lips pressed together to keep himself from pouting in front of her.

"What's wrong with it is I've been here lots of times before," she tells him, crossing her arms over her chest and huffing lightly.

"Yeah, with who?" he challenges. He'd thought of putting an arm around her shoulders, but decides to keep his hands where they were for now, deep in his pockets.

"With myself," she answers in a disparaging tone of voice, as if to say she doesn't need anyone to enjoy herself. "And with Maki-chan, mostly."

"Yes, but not with me," he says quietly.

She stares at him. "I'm with you now, you know."

Kame lets out an exasperated breath. He can never win with her-- they go out frequently (only occasionally, she'd insist) but she'd declare that they aren't dating; he buys her dinner and she'd insist on paying for half of it. He'd hold her hand and she'd slide her fingers away from his and hold onto his arm instead. She ends his calls whenever he rings her, but calls him up herself and yells at him when he doesn't call for days. "Look, I'm trying to be romantic here."

She bursts out laughing at that, clutching at his arm for support. "Romantic? Oh, God. If they ever taught you guys Romance 101 at the jimusho, I think you failed, or your professors sucked."

Okay, he can't help it. He's pouting now. "Meis--"

"Oh, look! The sun's setting!" she exclaims, clearly not listening to him anymore.

This is what he brought her here for, but he thinks it best not to actually mention it to her. He looks at her and the setting sun is reflected in her eyes, her lips slightly parted in awe.

He gently disentangles his arm from her hold and places it around her shoulders instead.

She leans her head sideways to rest on his shoulder, and he's so surprised he almost flinches at the action. But to complete the scene that seems like straight out of a romance movie, Kame decides to dare more than he should and lowers his face to hers for a kiss.

Their noses bump awkwardly.

Meisa lets out a soft laugh. "You're blocking the view, Kamenashi," she says, and cups a hand to his cheek, fitting her mouth to his.

Afterwards, she tells him that he is a horrible kisser and that she would have to teach him.

character: masuda takahisa, character: kuroki meisa, *collection, character: yamashita tomohisa, *johnny's entertainment, character: kamenashi kazuya, character: tegoshi yuya, *non-au, rating: g, *drabble

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