-Middle Tennessee Anime Con kicked ass. More specifically, kicked my ass.
Myself, Jason & Jerrold Farrington, Gabe Lamberty, with special guests Yad Mui & Jim Beachboard all repped for Angry Viking Press as guests of honor. It was a pleasure to return to the Sheraton Music City (one of the nicest hotels I've ever stayed in), and speak at so many panels...
...and get roaringly drunk at the Saturday VIP party with the Japanese guests, the main headliners and the hot model girls of GMX! I was a happy camper. Ask Jim.
THE DEMON MAGES #2, available now at IndyPlanet.com is looking pretty spiffy. Better than issue #1 by a good factor, though truth be told, still victim to the same flaws. A rushed product, so I'm sure I'll get that criticism. But I don't care! I've published two comic books. WHEN I put #3 and the redone (!) issue #1 by the end of the year, I will be riding higher than ever before.
-And because of those plans, I'm guaranteed to show at:
SAN DIEGO COMIC CON (California vacation #3)
OTAKON (The weekend after SDCC)
NEW YORK COMIC CON/ANIME FESTIVAL (with guests Ryusuke Hamamoto & Sana Takeda already set to go! It'll be great to see them again and actually be able to talk measurably better!)
-Next weekend, New York City. Yes indeed!
That's about it, really. Gotta get back to drawing. I'd bitch about the state of the world today, but we've got entirely TOO FUCKING MUCH (SHIT) TALKING out there and barely any real action. Everybody's tripping over their own feet. Not I.
I'm cooking more to reduce my waistline and increase my bottom line. I'm keeping my cool at work, no matter how unsane the gun-nuts are. I don't think I have BP gas stations anywhere near me, and good thing too. Even then, if I can't get anywhere on 15$ gas, I don't need to be driving there anyway. Ramp up the niceness, save the bitching for my art table, my laptop music suite and my Wordpad docs.
We're approaching the halfway point of 2010, folks. Brace yourselves!