From a
comment on Whedonesque:
"The Firefly Crew travel back in time to the present day and advertise for a new crew member. Tobias, thinking it's a acting job, comes aboard ... and forms a special relationship with Jayne (who, in a shocking twist, is also a never-nude.)"
Also? If you have some spare time to read stuff, I recommend checking out
cleolinda's Secret Life of Dolls. There are quite a few, but she's got
a wiki with good pullquotes and some basic explanations, and each entry's page links to the original journal entry. It's really fun and funny, and there are all sorts of plot twists and stuff. I think every single one has made me giggle.
For example, from the
latest entry in the saga, here's Cleo's rules for
The Littlest Edward:
"No biting people. Or elves. Or any bipedal beings of a vaguely humanoid nature. Or daemons. Or any stuffed animals not specifically designated for explushination. Or my dogs. You can bite the cat if you want, good luck catching him."
Beware, though, if you head to the wiki and start reading stuff there; it's very easy to get sucked in and not leave for hours. :D