Assorted memes and quizzes and... stuff

Sep 12, 2008 15:13

Tagged by ctofine, and, to a lesser degree, by muries_friend

1. Post these rules.
2. Each tagged person must post 8 things about themselves on their journal.
3. At the end, you have to choose and tag 8 people don't have to do anything specific, because this isn't a fascist dictatorship. Also, I hate tagging people.
4. No tag-backs. (Which is sort of moot, but whatever.)

1. I'm on my... fifth? listen of the "Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog" soundtrack... today. I'll probably listen to it another time or two today; it'd be more, but I want to listen to the last couple TWiTcasts before work's over.

2. Speaking of "Dr. Horrible...", I downloaded iTunes for the sole purpose of purchasing the video and soundtrack for that. Joss Whedon is evil for making me do it.

3. re:ctofine's thing about being rich and working - I'd really like to be independently wealthy. Like, it's almost a goal of mine, if you consider a goal something you merely wish for and think would be great without ever doing anything to accomplish it. I'd like to be able to not work and not worry about money and do, you know, whatever. It'd probably be very much like that couple of years after I graduated, when I didn't work and had my days and nights horribly reversed and I watched a lot of TV and did a lot of stuff on the computer, except without the lack of money issues. Yeah, I'm shallow and lazy.

4. Even though I suck at it, I like playing Rock Band guitar more than I thought I would. And the singing isn't quite so horrible, even if I don't know the song. Drums, though... no, thanks.

5. I don't think I'd like to live completely alone, really, but my favorite times at home tend to be when everyone else has gone to bed/their rooms. (This is where the whole independently wealthy thing would be handy: I could afford a big house with a nice big common area, but with, well, maybe not wings exactly, but, you know, plenty of distance between me and other folks when I want it.)

6. Sometimes I hate being interested in (read: obsessed with) a lot of things because I can't devote the time to them that I want to, 'cause something else is awesome and I want to devote time to it. At least this way I always have something cool to occupy my time.

7. Regarding point one: Actually, to fit in the two TWiTcasts I want to listen to today, I should stop "Dr. Horrible" now, at the end of the fifth listen. But, if I'm lucky, I should be able to fit in some highlights at the end of the day.

8. I don't really use LJ enough to justify renewing my paid account in the new year, but I probably will, simply because I like having all the extra icon space. Fiscally responsible: I'm doing it wrong.

So, cosmob, your LiveJournal reveals...

You are... 3% unique (blame, for example, your interest in james gleason) and 13% herdlike (partly because you, like everyone else, enjoy photoshop). When it comes to friends you are popular. In terms of the way you relate to people, you are wary of trusting strangers. Your writing style (based on a recent public entry) is conventional.
Your overall weirdness is: 24

(The average level of weirdness is: 28.
You are weirder than 53% of other LJers.)

Find out what your weirdness level is!

The Blogalyser reveals...
Your blog/web page text has an overall readability index of 12.
This suggests that your writing style is conventional
(to communicate well you should aim for a figure between 10 and 20).Your blog has 21 sentences per entry, which suggests your general message is distinguished by verbosity
(writing for the web should be concise).





Your text shows characteristics which are 55% male and 45% female
(for more information see the Gender Genie).
Looking at pronoun indicators, you write mainly about yourself, then the world in general and finally your social circle. Also, your writing focuses primarily on the present, next the past and lastly the future.

Find out what your blogging style is like!

Your result for The Perception Personality Image Test...
HBPS - The Optimist

Humanity, Background, Big Picture, and Shape

You perceive the world with particular attention to humanity. You focus on the hidden treasures of life (the background) and how that fits into the larger picture. You are also particularly drawn towards the shapes around you. Because of the value you place on humanity, you tend to seek out other people and get energized by being around others. You like to ponder ideas and imagine the many possibilities of your life without worrying about the details or specifics. You are in tune with all that is around you and understand your life as part of a larger whole. You prefer a structured environment within which to live and you like things to be predictable.

The Perception Personality Types:

Take The Perception Personality Image Test at HelloQuizzy

ETA: Pimpin'! Go help Zardi brainstorm about her thesis. Please. :)


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