I cheated!

Jan 23, 2008 00:59

So, last night I had this overwhelming desire to watch Giles' entrance at the end of "Buffy" Season 6 (brought on, I'm sure, by the fun of this post). You know, it's really hard to cue that up properly, since it's at the very, very end of the show. Not that I didn't cue it up several times. I really loved that moment, and it truly surprised me when I first saw it. Sadly, though, my vocabulary can only describe it in one way: awesome.

Which reminds me: I never mentioned here that I finished "Buffy" and "Angel"... or that I even started watching Buffy and Angel.

Yeah, I started "Buffy" in the first week or so of November; I was in early season three by the middle of the month. I finished "Angel" this past... Friday, was it? Yes, because Saturday I stayed up and went through all 30 discs to write down where the special features were. (And, Sunday I watched two episodes with the commentaries on. Oh, and I started watching "Bones" Season 1. I didn't intend to have a David Boreanaz triple feature, but there you go.)

Anyway, back to the awesome Giles entrance (which is, if I haven't mentioned it, awesome).

In my not talking about, oh, anything on here, I didn't get to tell my cheating story, so I guess I will ('cause it's funny).

Picture it: it's December, and I'm watching Season 7 of Buffy. I've been through the ups and the downs, and I've gotten through stuff that I had a vague idea about, thanks to being in fandoms with people from the Buffy fandom. But, there's been a lot of surprises from the show, and I'm trying to avoid any further mention of stuff from various LJ posts or, you know, whatever. Generally speaking, I've done a pretty good job of not spoiling myself any more than I was already spoiled.

It's just, there was this one time when....

Giles finds that... guy who's been attacked by a Bringer, and he's kneeling by him, and then we see the Bringer start sneaking up on Giles, all menacingly. Then they cut away, and you don't know what's happened to Giles. Except then he Giles shows up in Sunnydale, safe and sound. Whew, what a relief! Only, there's talk about how the First Evil could take the form of anyone who has shuffled off this mortal coil, only he can't touch stuff. (Maybe it was Giles, even, who first brought it up to the Scoobies; I don't remember.) This doesn't sound helpful for the gang at all. And then I start noticing Giles decidedly not touching stuff. ONOZ!!! Is Giles *gulp* an ex-Giles?

It's late, and I have to work the next day, but I push through another episode or two, because I just have to know if Giles was Giles. 'Cause, see, I'm thinking that they're doing a good job of subtly having Giles not touch stuff and generally seeming weirdly distant or something, so he very well could have been really and truly dead; on the other hand, while the not touching things was subtle, it wasn't, you know, subtle, so I'm thinking this whole not touching stuff business could be a red herring and Giles was just fine, he just has a lot on his mind.

It's getting later and later (like, four in the morning later), and the episodes have yet to answer the burning question on the aliveness of Giles. I know I have to go to bed, though, so I do what any decent, self-respecting person would do: I seek out spoilers. On Wikipedia. Seriously, I have to know if Giles was dead. I can't wait until tomorrow. I'm all, "Screw my principles of not actively spoiling myself; I have to know now!" So, I read the Giles Wikipedia entry and sigh a sigh of relief. Now, I can get to bed and not have to worry about dear ol' Giles.

(This, incidentally, is when I realized that Giles is my favorite Buffy character. I had my suspicions before, but this sealed the deal. Not that I don't love the others, 'cause I do, but Giles is tops, man. And, in the vein of favorite characters, three guesses as to my favorite Angel character.... *cg*)

Okay, so it's not funny ha-ha, but it's at least mildly amusing, right?

The moral to the story is that I've been fully assimilated, it seems, into full Whedondom. First "Firefly," now "Buffy" and "Angel." The other week, I was looking on Amazon at Buffy-related stuff; I ended up ordering the "Angel" boxed set for $70.00, which is now back up at $100.00 (huzzah for savings!). I still haven't ordered the musical soundtrack (not that I haven't been listening to it, though *cough*); that's gonna be with my next paycheck, I think. But, I did order the musical script book - which, incidentally, goes nicely with my two "Firefly" companion books I got for Christmas - because it has the sheet music. Sheet music, people! What I can use to practice my tenor recorder I also got for Christmas! (We know how to rock the Amazon wish list, let me tell ya what.) If I can ever be alone in the house, that is. (The tenor recorder's finger positions are more spread out than what I'm used to, so I don't want to torture my family with the missed notes... or do I? I shall have to ponder this.... *eg*)

Well, as I have a more regular-person schedule now (bah, humbug!), I can't stay up until four in the morning watching TV on DVD... or rambling on about stuff here. So, I'll take my parenthesis and leave you to... whatever you need left to.

dvds, buffy, tv

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