Talya and Lilly both posted this wand quiz, so I guess it's my turn. I was curious, since the two of them got the same results. I... did not.
9 3/4", Oak, Phoenix
You scored 36 wisdom, 27 bravery, 15 emotional, and 33 martyrdom! Oak signifies wisdom, endurance, protection, and authority. The phoenix tail feather as your core means that you have the capability to be an extremely powerful wizard or witch and that you will defend those you love at all costs.
My test tracked 4 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:
You scored higher than 99% on wisdom
You scored higher than 99% on bravery
You scored higher than 99% on emotional
You scored higher than 99% on martyrdom
The Harry Potter Wand Test written by
sputnik845 on
Ok Cupid Thing is, for Fumbly's wand-making class, I created a wand for myself. I decided to only use known wand elements, which is particularly key in terms of the core. Here's what I came up with, for myself: 12-and-a-half inch willow wand with a phoenix feather core. I actually thought a lot about it (which is silly, since it's all pretend, but that's another matter entirely), even wrote up a thing for Prof. Opal's HP Symbolism class, but I won't bore you with those reasons unless you want me to.
I don't know what the point to all that is, but... it's there.
Oh, here's a random thought: I now have something to push me to get my learner's permit (and eventually my driver's license): Amanda got a new car, and she's going to let me use
Alberto Fedrigotti. Only, I can't use it if I don't have a license. So, I should get working on that, shouldn't I?
So, there's only a few more days left until HBP comes out. I need to get in touch with Brandi so we can strategerize for Friday. Which, incidentally, is my brother's birthday. Not that he cares about HBP or anything. I'm not super anxious about reading the book, but I am. If that makes sense, which it totally doesn't. Oh, well. I'm sure I'll be excited about it come Friday.
Hmm... I wonder if there's anything to eat.... Or, I could update my HOL sig and work on some graphics. What to do, what to do...?