Happy 2012!
I haven't been rolling around fandom in a long while. Think I faded away soon after taking part in
i_reversebang last April, got caught in a busy period at work and then classes since last June. I still don't have much time between work and classes, so I'm not exactly back back yet. Just hmm, randomly felt like posting today? lol. I had a little time this weekend and was indulging in some fandom surfing... and realised I totally missed the news about Sherlock season 2! :O
chrysan is a wonderful person without whom I would be crying with a bunch of broken/dead links falling through my fingers. *glompity*
My latest fandom is X-Men: First Class? Caught the movie on a plane last Oct, found it surprisingly good, and then happily lapped up fic recs I got from, again, the wonderful
chrysan. You know, when I fanned the X-Men cartoon series way back when I was a kid (my classmates and I used to pretend to be X-Men characters - we had a whole bunch of people involved. I was Cyclops. It was well, pretty useless fun, but fun all the same. XD I remember times like when we were queuing for injections and telling each other you are Gambit/Beast/whoever, you can't be scared!, lol) I never dreamed that I would one day ship Magneto/Professor X. lol. I blame it on XMFC and James McAvoy.
Tossing up some old doodly art that I'll put behind the cut:
- Harry Potter x Inception: the Marauders and other HP characters in the role of the Inception cast.
- Inception: Eames x Arthur.
- XMFC: Dragneto x Charles.
And hmm, I unlocked 2 small ficlets that I had as private before (because I clearly have issues with self-esteem and confidence when posting fanwork):
Ripples: Inception, Eames x Arthur. Cocktails. A kiss. A hotel pool. (or, the only thing I wrote for the Inception kink meme that I ever intend to out for XD)
Finding Santa: Tales of the Abyss, gen. Incomplete Christmas fic from 2009? lol. I wanted h/c where Peony and Jade get stuck in Mt Roneal, they're both cold and Jade is hurt. But this ficlet doesn't even come close to that part of the plot yet. XD
Bad doodly XMFC art
Edited version of something I did for a
help_japan donation in March 2011. My backgrounds always end up rushed, I should spend more time on them.
Also back from 2011. This was originally intended to be additional art for i_reversebang, inspired by
withlightning's fic.