It has not been a good couple of days. I'm always stuck looking after the dog, and in the past three days, he's run off three times. He's busted my knee, twisted my arm, and given me multiple cuts and bruises. The last time, I was still holding onto the leash when he took off, and I ran into a tree and fell down a hill. No, don't laugh, it's not funny. Stupid dog. I also got locked out of my room by accident, with my keys inside. I had to call my dad so he could come over, climb up a ladder, open the window and get in to open the door. Fun times.
I haven't talked about Dollhouse yet, but so far I really like it. There seem to be people who have a lot of issues with it, but I can't say I really share those concerns. I think it's because I have no frame of reference. I've seen maybe two episodes of Buffy and no other Whedon stuff, so I have nothing to compare it to or expectations of what it should be like. I certainly don't hold Joss up like some sort of godly figure. So I'm going into it with an open mind and just enjoying the journey. Visually, it's pretty stunning, and I like that it's just mysterious enough to make me curious, rather than being off-puttingly oblique (yeah, I'm looking at you, Lost).
I even have a theory about how Echo got her name. I think it's because although her personality is wiped each time, she still seems to retain some ghost of her former self - the memories we saw of her as a college student, for example. An Echo, if you will. Which makes for a kind of obvious name, when you think about it. Plus, as they said this week, Echo thinks outside of the commands given to her, sometimes with better results than if she had just followed orders (unless, of course, it involves her slaughtering a whole bunch of people, but I didn't really understand if we were supposed to think she did that, or this Alpha person. I think I missed something there.). So I can see this becoming important in the long run.
-I also never mentioned how glad I am Supernatural has been renewed! OMG YAY. I was getting worried there for a second, because it seemed like they were winding things up in case it didn't come back. So as thrilled as I am that there will be five seasons like Kripke had originally envisioned, it does make me wonder how they're going to top things next year. What's bigger than heaven and hell?
-Why are there no good Blair/Chuck moodthemes out there? That's just WRONG. I'm going to have to do something about that. But I am happy with the Chuck one that I found! *glee*
-I found this Gossip Girl shirt on a clearance rack at the mall yesterday. It said "You're nobody until you're talked about" in these big gold letters; it was totally trashy. But it wasn't my style and, come on, I can't be 30 and wearing a Gossip Girl shirt. At least, not in public.
-I also found new Gossip Girl promos! You guys have probably seen them already, but I had to share this one, it's just too funny:
Click to view
Ment-whoreBlairanoid I love that "Bass" is a verb noun now. I'm going to start working that into conversation. "God, my brother is such a basshole!" I love the promos for this show, I have to say. They're so well done. I love how they made it look like one of those old instructional videos.