You must have me confused with Harrison Ford.

Jul 16, 2008 21:14

I'm on a forced vacation from work at the moment. I haven't been getting many hours, and then when I called my boss for my schedule, he told me to take two weeks paid vacation. Funny, I was under the impression that I got to pick when to take my holiday. Instead it's some random date that he's assigned for me. Great. And that's just one of the many annoying things about working there, so I think now is a good time to look for another job.

That was last week, and while I've managed to stay reasonably entertained so far, there is only so much dog walking/going for coffee/shopping a girl can do. I really want to take off somewhere for a couple days, but I can't convince anyone to come and going by myself is no fun. So I'm pretty much completely, soul-suckingly bored. I might be spamming you guys for the next few days (which, for me, is about a post or two per day, heh).

Fortunately, though, YouTube is a black hole that I could spend all day on (if I weren't so restless), so here are a few gems I've found:

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Jensen did this interview in Australia earlier this year that proves he posesses sparkling wit in addition to his blinding hotness. (But you knew that already, didn't you?) There are three parts, so watch all of them if you haven't, but this is the funniest one.

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I'm kind of in love with this vid. You know how Supernatural is so dark? Well, I don't know how, but dayln03 has made it really colourful and pretty and emotional. It's amazing to watch. Now, I should point out, this is wincesty. When I saw it linked in the newsletter, I wasn't going to click on it, but I'm so glad I did, because wow. Defintely one of the best vids I've ever seen. If you only ever watch one wincest vid, make it this one. (Did I mention there's a HQ version?)

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This is another fanvid set to "Wanted", but what makes this one different is that it was made months before the show even used it, and yet the song is still meaningful because dayln03 is such a strong vidder.

Should you like these vids so much you want to download a copy to keep, check out everydamnthing for other vids, icons and other goodies. They've got some great stuff.

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The adventures of Batman and Boy Blunder: taking Dean's "I'm Batman" remark a little further, this is Bad Day at Black Rock set to the Batman music, complete with comic action, and Sam's section set to puppy music!

Speaking of Batman, which Batman is the hottest one in your opinion? College Candy is taking a tally. For me, it's gotta be George Clooney, even though the movie sucked. Hello, he's George Clooney. You'd think him being strapped into a skintight suit would be appealing, but surprisingly, not so much. As for story, I remember the first movie being the best, but it's been ages since I've seen it. Haven't seen the latest one.

Also over there is a list of things guys secretly love, and it turns out unicorns are one of them. Doesn't say anything about whether they really shoot rainbows out of their asses though.

personal, supernatural, omg so bored

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