the Biosphere-Noosphere Transition

Aug 13, 2005 01:26

The Foundation for the Law of Time was especially created (AD 2000) to pace and accommodate the Biosphere-Noosphere transition. First discovered in 1989, the Law of Time distinguishes between the artificial-mechanistic timing frequency (12:60) of modern human civilization, and the natural universal timing frequency of synchronization (13:20) characterizing the rest of life on Earth. Because of this critical distinction, the Law of Time has been able to precisely define the Biosphere-Noosphere Transition as a 20 year cycle, 1993-2013. This transition marks the most significant stage in the whole of evolution of life on Earth.

What is the Biosphere-Noosphere Transition?

The biosphere is the sum of terrestrial life as a single unit along with its support systems. Vladimir Vernadsky (1863-1945) succinctly defines the biosphere as the region on Earth for the transformation of cosmic energy - namely solar and cosmic radiation. Due to the impact of the human and its artificial extension, the machine - the direct result of the mechanization of time - the biosphere is being dramatically transformed into a new state, the noosphere.

Defined as Earth’s mental envelope, above yet discontinuous with the biosphere, the noosphere is the imminent stage of the globalization of the human mind and the evolution of its intelligence. The noosphere thus represents a radical shift from the present attitude and means of human existence. According to the Law of Time, the noosphere actually marks the advent of universal telepathy among the human species, and the consequent spiritualization of life on Earth.

Both Vladimir Vernadsky, a geochemist, and Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (1881-1955), a paleontologist, foresaw the Biosphere-Noosphere Transition, though neither envisioned the stage intermediate between the two - the technosphere. Because it is purely a function of the artificial timing frequency, the technosphere - planetary sphere of technology and its field of thought - is defined by the Law of Time as the catalytic agent bringing on the Biosphere-Noosphere Transition. The final phase of the technosphere is the cybersphere - the virtual reality of the internet and related digital computer technologies.

Because of the enormity of this evolutionary transition, characterized as it is by exponential explosion of human population, velocity of machine, inexorability of industrialization and speed of biospheric deterioration, an entirely new perception of reality was required to comprehend the positive aspects of this rapidly accelerating shift. Such was the purpose of the discovery of the Law of Time.

By establishing the Foundation for the Law of Time, the radical perception of the Law of Time has a vehicle by which the Biosphere-Noosphere Transition can be defined, paced and normalized. By performing this job of enormous benefit to all humanity, largely unaware of the exact nature of the changes now occurring worldwide, the Foundation for the Law of Time has a unique historical and evolutionary role in disseminating new knowledge while informing, unifying and mobilizing many groups and organizations in preparation for the advent of the noosphere.
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