Dec 22, 2003 13:02
I am all alone today.
Aya is in Japan for her brother's wedding and the other girl had a trip planned for a few months and could not change it. So I sit here in a large quiet room practically alone. It's kinda nice and tranquil except for the loads of work I need to do.
I still have to dread getting x-mas gifts, urg. I really don’t feel like dragging my ass down town trekking around in the snow, or inside a stuffy crowded mall. I get so impatient when I’m in crowds I feel like bashing everyone's face in who won't move or walks too slow. "Oh look at that ma maybe Sofia would like dat whaaaadoyou think ummm I dunno me I..."
Yeah this is why I hate malls and I really don't like walking down St Catherine street when's it's busy.
Aww well. I'll live.
Going to my parent's place for X-mass lunch I haven't seen my family in so long umm maybe since October? Could it be? No wonder my mother’s conversations over the phone start with "I never see you.... you never call. What is this....? me: sorry Ma, I’ve been really busy...."
That should be my New Year resolution, which I don't usually make. But you know what, the older I get the more I realize that family IS important. Even though we don't really get each other or understand each other we still love each other and share the same bloodline. And my parents aren’t exactly young.... you know. I don't want to regret not spending time with them.
What can I expect in the New Year? Unfortunately some expectations have been recently shattered but possibly new ones will spur in a different part. I will approach a crossroad soon and the path is very uncertain but I guess that's life. It's never perfect in fact the word life and perfect should never be used in the same sentence...just because.
I know I haven't been very exciting to read lately but you know I've been feeling much more person to person these days. I hope I don't sound poetic cause that's not my intention this is me I’m here, I write truthfully at this moment.
I hope all my friends where ever they are spending the holidays with those who they love and
Know won't ever leave their sides who are always there for them even when others let them down weather it be family, friends or lovers be sure you feel warm inside when you are with them. Like that first sip of hot tea in the morning.
Anyhow remember to be true to yourself and the rest will follow.
Sorry for the sappiness...if that's how it comes out sounding I didn't mean it to.