Some Mistakes Require that You Unravel Completely and Start Over

Jan 15, 2005 05:26

So, after my update last night, I couldn't get to sleep. I decided to read more of 'Animal Farm' in bed. I called Micheal on his way to work, but I only talked to him briefly. I was really tired. He was also gonna talk to Josh before work, so I tried to sleep. I didn't get to sleep till after 9 AM, it seemed.

My alarm went off around 4:15 PM. I set it specifically so that I could talk to Eric. I talked to him briefly, then went back to sleep till around 6 PM. I got out of bed and felt pretty much like a loser.

My wisdom teeth are coming in, still, and they make my whole face feel weird.

I got sucked into Facebook this afternoon. After poking people for a zillion times, I decided that my dignity needed to be restored. With that, I resolved to stay away from the computer as much as I could. I cleaned my apartment a bit. I did two loads of laundry. I had to get change in the freezing cold at the car wash (where someone was actually washing his car, no less) because the girl at McDonald's wouldn't be nice and give me a roll of quarters.

I cleaned Angelina's cage out. My little angel now has fresh bedding. I hope she gets a new volcano nest built up again soon. It's so cute.

I went to Wal-Mart to get a product for grooming and cool white and indigo fuzzy yarn with a dull yellow button to knit a condom cozy with. I saw Veronica as I was checking out. She was getting off work. It was weird for me to see her, because I was just thinking about her before I left. She said she was thinking of me earlier, too. I need to call her to hang out! I miss her.

When I got home I started the condom cozy. I also burned 'O' by Damien Rice to listen to as I was knitting. I was eager to hear Damien Rice for several reasons. The reason I'll admit to first is that he is going to be featured on one of Tori's tracks on 'the Beekeeper.' Yeah, that's the main reason. Yeah. And the other small reason is because hot Facebook guy has Damien Rice listed first under the 'favorite music' category on Facebook. I thought I'd listen to the album a couple of times and then maybe learn something on guitar later. Well, I had problems with the first CD that I burned, where the first track was every track. Weird. Then I used a different program to extract the album and it was fine.

I got almost halfway done with the condom cozy when I dropped the last three stitches in a row. That would prove to be a fatal mistake. As I was trying to recover all the work I'd done so far, Jeron called to see if I was hungry. I was starving. I agreed to pick him up and go to Steak-N-Shake after trying a little more to pick up the dropped stitches. I couldn't get them, so I took Jeron to SNS.

Jeron let me know outright that he wanted to date me. I like Jeron as a friend. I hope we can stay friends. Jeron came back to my place briefly to look at pictures from the Prism birthday bash. I messed with my condom cozy briefly, but wasn't able to make any progress. I took Jeron back to his room after that.

I tried again to salvage my condom cozy. But the fuzzy yarn coupled with the fact that I dropped multiple stitches, including an end stitch, proved to be too much of a problem to deal with. I couldn't even un-knit to my mistake because it was too fucked-up at that point. I unraveled my hour and something of work all the way out.

I started on the condom cozy once again while listening to Damien Rice. I'm gonna like the album. The condom cozy is gonna kick butt, too.

I can't believe that in about fourteen hours I'll be meeting hot Facebook guy! I've managed to get myself all worked up and crazy, then calm again, then crazy again, and now calm once more. I'm still bracing myself for the possibility that the whole thing is a huge prank as in the pic not really being him. Once I meet him, I'll start calling him by his name, if he's real and if something comes of it all.

It's so late. I didn't plan on staying up this long. I'm gonna attempt to sleep once I log off. I'll be listening to 'O' on my headphones as I try to drift off.

Live Journal has been down all day today due to the power outage. Of course, I had to get my fix. I'll end up backdating this entry and posting it when LJ comes back online.

I'm grateful for:

1. Feeling sane.
2. The weird, Zoloft-like goodness feelings I've been having all day that feel like my body is melting into euphoria even though I'm not on anything.
3. Feeling comfortable being myself.
4. Running into Veronica tonight.
5. Being so close to meeting someone I've been excited about all week.
6. The warmth of my apartment.
7. My clean bed sheets that I have to sleep in tonight.
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