Nov 27, 2007 16:46
2 Heroes Will DIE!!!. The nominees are : Nathan, Parkman, Claire, Hiro, and Elle
1 Villian Will RISE!!!! the preview for the episode clearly shows Sylar injecting himself with Mohinder's cure in an alley. but Mohinder had two vials of blood with him so its assumed Nikki gets teh other and wont die. but all of Sylar's power will come back and he mostly likely will be invincible now. sweet.
Wikipedia says this : Peter and Nathan Petrelli are reunited, but a battle erupts between them, Matt Parkman and Hiro Nakamura, set up by Adam Monroe. Monica Dawson is captured by a street gang, and Micah Sanders turns to his mother Niki for help. Maya Herrera learns Sylar's true nature when he kidnaps Molly Walker and Mohinder Suresh. Elle plays the hero to get back into her father's good graces.