Skipping around cnn i saw this headline saying "Bush: "We're kicking ass in Iraq"
I needed to click. it sounded too artificial too stars and strips.
and lo and behold
this picture next to an article containing the most unrealistic content, painted a vibrant red white and blue.
i could picture the desert scene, rugged emptiness with the air of death. Tired troops with tired and homesick faces. But then i could see some of them scrambling around the president with eyes glazed over. All of them with authority boners, chasing honor though murder.
But what comes from this warzone with no end in sight, with no progress yet?
Quotes like these:
"Praising the troops, Bush said, "every day you show bravery under incredibly difficult circumstances. I'm incredibly proud to be the commander in chief of such a great group of men and women."
The excited crowd responded to their commander in chief with hearty cheers and shouts of "ooh-rah!" and "hoo-ah!"
"How is morale?" asked Bush.
"Very high, sir," said the unidentified Marine.
But yea...
does anyone know the answer? I would love to go.