It's not political that I demand attention when I walk into a room!

Jul 25, 2007 12:17

OH MY GOD!!!! I am on my feet! I just got my own pad and I am working. A LOT. I sang back up for this demo with one of my favorite Songwriters last night. Her name is Miss Cathy Dennis! Do you know how that kewl is? Add that to the belt of dreams I made come true. Soon, I will be working with Kylie! Watch out, girlfriend, I am coming.

If you are wondering where that came from, Cathy writes for Kylie.

Tonight I have an audition for another band. I am really excited about it. They are one of the best bands in New York. They do rock. It will be cool to Rock out with my cock out, again.

I am still recording for me. You know, I was in a rush to get everything done in such a hurry, but DAMN! I GOT LOADS OF TIME.

Such a good day, that I broke out the old school Nelly Furtado.

The bad thing about all the good news is that I have not slept in 2 days. But how many people can say they hit the slopes with Miss Cathy?

**Come on and get your love, boy.....come on and get your love, it's for you.***

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