Jun 12, 2008 00:04

First time did layout, so if it sucks, just shoot me.

[3] DBSK / TVXQ :: A Week Holiday
[1] Wonder Girls


Live preview : cosmic-test.

I wanted to make more headers, but my brain refused to cooperate. D:

★ Comments are always appreciated.
★ Do NOT hotlink. *pokespokespokes*
★ Credit cosmicbeats and minty_peach.
Join the comm? =D
★ How to credit : Just simply give a link back to this community, and please credit minty_peach too, because however, the original CSS stylesheet is done by her.
★ Thank you! :)

» Works with Basic and Plus account (not sure about the Paid one, but I guess it will work fine as well).
» Flexible Squares, S2.
» The original stylesheet made by minty_peach, modified by x_fei.
» Works perfectly fine with Mozilla, kind of sucks with IE {somehow the livejournal community tiny icon doesn't appear on IE, I wonder why :/}, not sure about other browsers.
» Best viewed on 1024 x 768 or higher (I think? XD)
» Tiny icons by _excentric_.

These layouts basically based on one CSS coding, I just modified some parts so it looks kinda different one to each other.

Instructions :
1. Go to Customize Journal, choose S2 style, save changes.
2. Find "Flexible Squares" and hit 'Apply Theme' on the Autumn one (but basically anything is fine, as long as it still 'flexible squares').
{You can simply type "flexible squares" in the search engine and click 'Search'.}
3. Scroll down, click Customize Selected Theme.
4. Go to Custom CSS, and do these steps, insert the CSS codes and hit Save Changes.
5. Go to Sidebar, set all the options to NO.
If you want to have this, set the BLURB to YES and paste the sidebar codes :
sidebar codes :
My name is blah. I'm xx years old and I live in Disneyland. I have a dog, his name is blah. I love Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse. I love Goofy and Donald Duck too!
*just simply edit this as you wish*

» for the CSS stylesheet.
» for header.
*just simply edit this as you wish :)*

and hit Save Changes.

I've uploaded the image headers to imageshack and inserted the link to the code boxes below, but I highly recommend you to upload it to your own server.
EDIT :: You MUST upload the header to your own server, otherwise the header won't show up. :x

How to insert my own image header link to the code below?
:: Go to Custom CSS, simply press CTRL + F (find) and type "for formatting header image", you'll see this and simply change the link to yours.
Please remember, make sure you didn't delete the quotation marks ['] and the brackets [( )], otherwise the header won't show up either.

001. Dong Bang Shin Ki :: A Week Holiday {1}


header link : http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j154/fEi_cecEh/cosmicbeats/header_dongbang_1.png

CSS codes :

/* BY: Minty_Peach -- (http://minty_peach.livejournal.com)
style -- Flexible Squares / s2
account type: Free & Paid accounts
modified by: x_fei at (http://community.livejournal.com/cosmicbeats)

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/* for formatting header image */

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/*********************************************** COMMENT PAGES ******************************************/

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Tiny icons by http://_excentric_.livejournal.com

.entry img[src="http://p-stat.livejournal.com/img/icon_protected.gif"]{width: 0; height: 0; padding: 15px 11px 0 0 !important;
background: url(http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j154/fEi_cecEh/lock.gif);}
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002. Dong Bang Shin Ki :: A Week Holiday {2}


header link : http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j154/fEi_cecEh/cosmicbeats/header_dongbang_2.png

CSS codes :
/* BY: Minty_Peach -- (http://minty_peach.livejournal.com)
style -- Flexible Squares / s2
account type: Free & Paid accounts
modified by: x_fei at (http://community.livejournal.com/cosmicbeats)

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/* header -- links to views; title of journal; subtitle of journal */

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/*********************************************** COMMENT PAGES ******************************************/

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Tiny icons by http://_excentric_.livejournal.com

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003. Dong Bang Shin Ki :: A Week Holiday {3}


header link : http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j154/fEi_cecEh/cosmicbeats/header_dongbang_3.png

CSS codes :

/* BY: Minty_Peach -- (http://minty_peach.livejournal.com)
style -- Flexible Squares / s2
account type: Free & Paid accounts
modified by: x_fei at (http://community.livejournal.com/cosmicbeats)

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/*********************************************** COMMENT PAGES ******************************************/

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Tiny icons by http://_excentric_.livejournal.com

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004. Wonder Girls


header link : http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j154/fEi_cecEh/cosmicbeats/header_wondergirls.png

CSS codes :

/* BY: Minty_Peach -- (http://minty_peach.livejournal.com)
style -- Flexible Squares / s2
account type: Free & Paid accounts
modified by: x_fei at (http://community.livejournal.com/cosmicbeats)

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/*********************************************** COMMENT PAGES ******************************************/

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Tiny icons by http://_excentric_.livejournal.com

.entry img[src="http://p-stat.livejournal.com/img/icon_protected.gif"]{width: 0; height: 0; padding: 15px 11px 0 0 !important;
background: url(http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j154/fEi_cecEh/lock.gif);}
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background: url(http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j154/fEi_cecEh/lock.gif);}
#sidebar_summary img[src="http://p-stat.livejournal.com/img/icon_private.gif"]{width: 0; height: 0; padding: 15px 11px 0 0 !important;
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.ljuser img {width: 0; height: 0; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-color: transparent;
background-image: url(http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j154/fEi_cecEh/user1.gif); padding: 13px 13px 0 0 !important;}
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background-image: url(http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j154/fEi_cecEh/4circlesby_excentric_.gif); padding: 13px 13px 0 0 !important;}

I hope the instructions are not really that confusing. :x
If you have any questions, just ask. ♥

P.S: If you are looking for more headers, go to Members!special #1 - 17 headers made by hapticlove @ pakpak.
Join the comm to see the awesome headers! :}

dbsk, wonder girls, *layout

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