Three Kings Masterlist

Dec 29, 2013 19:44

About this 'verse

When I saw Sam sneaking out behind a dumpster to drink demon blood, I said aloud "oh...he's an addict." And, dealing with a loved one with addiction, it completely seized me. I love the show as a whole, and I suppose I long for a family as loving and open as the one I've attempted to create below, trying to base it completely off of the amazing canon themes of family Kripke created. As a blanket statement, please be alert to themes of drug abuse, alcoholism, child abuse, addiction, depression, and anxiety. I have done my best to address these themes with honesty, but also humor, and much, much love, which is what we're all looking for, no matter what our issues and across all vices.


Amazing Humbling Friendworks:  The fantastic x_luciole wrote an AU of my little AU and blew me sideways for taking the time, effort, and writing something so painful and beautiful: John Doe.

Art Posts: Part of school and my freelance business is Photoshop, and it's inspiring me to play around with photos. That and the fabulous, amazing time and talent donated by friends inspired me to start an art-post tag! You can find the first here: A Very Merry Three Kings Christmas.

PodFic: This 'verse has been podficced by the impeccable
alice_alaizabel!!! You can find it here: We Three Kings.



The King of Wands      The King of Swords       The King of Cups



We Three Kings
Cas, a doctor, falls in love with the mechanic, Dean Winchester. He understood, early on, that this meant adopting his younger brother, Sam. He didn't, however, count on all the loss that would follow the Winchesters, the addiction that would trouble Sam, or the problems his own family would cause following his commitment to the boys.

One of the Chief Princes
Sam and Dean Winchester meet Cas Morgan's oldest brother Michael. The introductions are anything but pleasant.

Simon Says
While Cas and Dean pay a weekend visit to a depressed and sick Sam, they're interrupted by a well-intentioned in-patient determined to befriend the younger Winchester.

Dean's Sober Superbowl Celebration
In support of his brother's and friend's sobriety, Dean wants you to get yourself to his house.

And Our Fates We Did Establish
The first time Dean sacrifices his own hurt for Sam sets an unfortunate precedent that will follow both boys throughout their lives.

The Thief in the Night
Dean finally confronts Sam about stealing from him and Cas.

Chief of the Four Favored Angels
Gabriel surprises his brother with a visit. Because why wouldn't anyone want to see him?

Those Who Live Among You
Cas finds the best burger joint in town for date night. Afterwards, he feels foolish for wondering if where to go would be his biggest problem of the day.

The Servants of Man
During his time at Rosemount, Missouri decides Sam needs to unburden himself about what happened on the street after he was kicked out of Dean and Cas' house. Sam complies, hoping it will be the last he'll ever have to think about it.

Weekend at Gabriel's
After the events of Those Who Live Among You, Cas decides he needs a break from the Winchesters. Visiting his favorite brother seems like the perfect escape. Meanwhile, Dean enjoys a weekend with Sam and wonders if there isn't something to the adage of three being a crowd.

Life From the Dead
Following the events of Weekend at Gabriel's, Dean and Cas make up, Sam mans up, Ruby shows up, Balthazzar blows up, and everyone grows up.

Faith in a Faith that Falls
Pastor James "Jim" Murphy finds two young boys set on spending the night in his church. He does what he can to help, knowing the odds are against them. Special thanks to
faithinfaith, whose warm, insightful messages inspire me to work harder, and whose user name inadvertantly inspired this little bit.

The Festival of Weeks
Prior to the events of We Three Kings and all that follows. Sam's signed himself into rehab and undergone the initial withdrawal. Dean and Cas bring what comforts they can.

The Mechanisms of an Immature Mind
A John based interlude. He had the best intentions for his boys. Addiction had other ideas.

When Sammy Met Cas
You know the story: the happy couple believe they've found their soulmate. The honeymoon montage ends with the awkward introduction to the step-children. It's all downhill from there.

Balthazar, Doctor of Strange Love: or, how the Kings Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Their Life
An accident at the garage forces Sam and Cas to confront their insecurities about a world without Dean.

A Drop Fell on the Apple Tree
Dean knew Sam would grow up someday, but this wasn't how he envisioned it.

The Full Range of Human Dilemmas
Set between The Festival of Weeks and Simon Says. A family therapy session airs some crucial issues between the Winchesters, and cements a critical role for Cas in his new family.

This Dark March
Sam talks Dean into letting him go straight home from school. It's a mistake neither will make twice.

A Very Merry Three Kings Christmas
Part 1 up, Part 2 still incomplete, because I quit my job and life imploded. :)

Westward Leading, Still Proceeding
An incident at the halfway house leads Sam to reevaluate where he calls home.

The Hours
Sam and Dean's happiness is shattered by their father's addiction and a bottle of Red Label.

Me and You and No One Else We Know
Dean Winchester breaks up with Gordon Walker. Sammy comes to his rescue.

The death of Jessica Moore ends the life Sam, Dean and Cas had known thus far.

Road From Perdition
The return of Pastor Jim isn't what any of the boys--including PJ himself--expect.

The Pride of Your Heart
A Morgan Family Crisis brings Cas and the Winchesters back East, where Cas learns that his family is out to do whatever it takes to bring him back into the fold: even if it means eliminating the family he's adopted.

Home, Disambiguation
Pre We Three Kings, post When Sammy Met Cas. Cas has had a bad day, and there's only one place he wants to be.

Raggedy Andy and the Slippery Slide
Andy Gallagher is a great friend, a great son, and a model recoveree. Until he's not.
Set a week after The Pride of Your Heart.

Rebound: Tenderness
Morgans solve problems: they don't succumb to them. That's Cas's belief, even after everything. This time, it's going to take more than the Winchesters to show him home.
Set after The Pride of Your Heart and Raggedy Andy and the Slippery Slide.

warning: anxiety, character: brady, character: lucifer, fic, warning: alcohol abuse, character: missouri mosely, masterlist, character: andy, character: kali, character: bobby singer, character: john winchester, character: ava, character: balthazar, warning: minor abuse, character: caleb, character: crowley, character: ruby, character: michael, character: max, h/c, character: castiel, warning: trigger, teen!chesters, character: anna, spn, warning: drug-abuse, character: pastor jim, character: ellen, character: jake talley, rating: r, wee!chesters, warning: depression, 3 kings verse, character: ash, character: gabriel, amazing humbling friendworks, supernatural

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