(no subject)

Jan 20, 2006 09:50

I understand that's how the world turns. Europeans colonized the new world and so anything good is associated with "white" and anything "white" is considered good, but why is that? Oh that's right, they were the first ones to go and set up the system. Now, I have no problem with white people. Some of my best friends are white! Hahahaha. Don Cheedle is pregnant? What the fuck? Anyway I digress. WHAT? Cheech Marin has a baby growing out of his ass?! Hahaha. I should stop digressing. What the fuck? Everyone is awesome. But here are the things that I hate people telling me

1) "because you're hispanic you're 'not attractive'/'my type'/'take seriously'/'more prone to violence'/'my type'/whatever..."
Hahaha. Seriously. What the fuck? I understand that most people are racists. Just because you'll be friends with a person of color or something doesn't mean that you are not NOT a racist. Being told something because of your race is a racist comment in itself. It is not vicious. What it is is dehumanizing and that is an aspect of racism. To see someone less because of their race is racism. It is also discriminatory. They are being denied something because of their race. The same goes for many people who are of "color" seeing "whites" the same way. It is horrible. I have dealt with that my whole life and so many fuckers think they can relate and be like "don't let that get to you" but you know what, a lifetime of being told shit like that gets to you. I don't want to be told that it's all in my head because it's something that I think only people of "color" face. I recognize that "white" people face a different type of discrimination, I guess a lot of it has to do with being told they are plain or whatever, I don't know exactly because I never grew up being seen as white. Or maybe they haven't. I don't know. But no one should be seen as more or less something than someone else because of their "race." It's all so unfortunate.

2) "You're too skinny."
Race is the card that I am most politically correct about. A lot of times I know that I'm better looking than a lot of guys but because I'm not "white" no one will ever like me. It's the whole "well, I like white" that people tell me. But when it comes to my body (ie weight) I'm not so nice. I hate people telling me making me feel bad. That is more personal. That is a blow to my ego and when they tell me that shit, I get more defensive. Yeah I'm skinny, so many people kill themselves to look like me. Look at Teri Schivo. No one is killing themselves to gain weight. No one joins a gym to gain fat. They join to lose weight and gain muscle mass and definition. I have muscle and definition. Don't tell me I'm too skinny. I'm 150 lb at 22 years old and 5'9" (maybe 5'8"). I just wish I could be like "stop trying to make me feel bad about my body when I'm great." The entertainment industry already has 3/4 of the American population feeling like shit because of their weight, don't make the thin ones feel like shit either. I get so mad when people tell me shit like that, it takes more out of me to not say "fuck you" and point out all the shit that makes their body ugly than it does to keep my mouth shut and just laugh it off. I don't think it's worth it anymore. Like my dad told me today when he came in to talk to me about a problem I had, I need to tell them off and fight with my wits not my fists because when someone says something like that to me, it's because they are insecure so it's just as easy to make them feel as bad or worse becasue they already do. What happened to me? I used to stand up for myself more. I just stopped. And when I stopped I became more depressed. Fuck that shit. I won't let myself down. Really, aint no one going to stand up for me execpt for me (and my few friends who will back me up). You know what else I hate and I was telling my mom this. Fuckers talking shit about Lauren or someone else because of their weight. So, Lauren is not a waif. Who gives a fuck? She's got a better body than 99% of the girls out there cuz Lauren has an hour glass figure. Her waist indents and her hips curve out. She has the perfect woman body. She's got a gorgeous face. Who else has big eyes like her? Who else has her lips? What the fuck?! And when you're a genius like her, she's already better than you. I'm proud she's my friend. I'm proud to show her off. All you fucks go fuck off.

3. "You're gay 'you can't have tattoos'/'you should dress better'/'so you can't fight'/'aren't gay enough'/'so that makes you cool'/'so I can't support you in your life'/whatever
What?! You're all retarted.
4. "You're weird."
And all you fuckers are boring. You all have no personality. That's why I'm "weird.
And you know what? I don't give a fuck. I'll make my own friends. I have people who love me and care for me regardless of whether they think I'm weird or not. If only everyone in the world was like Brian and Lauren and Betsy and Bryan.
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