[Singles] [Manga] [InuYasha] Not Your Average Schoolgirl- Higurashi Kagome

Apr 16, 2007 01:15

Originally posted at fst for the 'singles' month.

This is an FST dedicated to Higurashi Kagome of the Takahashi Rumiko manga InuYasha- Sengoku o Togi Zoushi. She's my favorite manga character ever, and I've wanted to make a full FST to her ever since I found the fst community. However, I've struggled in finding songs so decided to settle on a single for now. Maybe sometime in the future I'll have enough for a full FST. We'll see.

Please comment if you take any songs. Thanks a bunch!

1- Mirai- Open Up Your Mind [Lyrics]
Just hold on tight, even if your heart is breaking.
Reach into your soul, even if you can't see tomorrow.
Yes, there's another world out there.
You can take another look from the other side,
and you'll be able to find all that is love...Just hold on tight, because if you close your eyes,
look inside yourself, you'll feel a heartbeat.
Yes, I want you to believe in the "future."
You can take another look from the other sideJust hold on tight, even if your heart is breaking.
Reach into your soul, even if you can't see tomorrow.
Yes, there's another world out there.
You can take another look from the other side,
until you find all that is love...

I'm opening up the FST optimistically, because Kagome is overall a pretty hopeful character. Kagome is a character that thrives on the ability to love, which is something I feel these lyrics embody. This song is also meant to represent Kagome's 'two worlds' lifestyle. I think that Kagome coming from the future has actually worked to help her outlook as well as the outlook of the group. A different mentality, 'a look from the other side.'

2- Angels & Airwaves- A Little's Enough [Lyrics]
I, I can do anything
If you want me here
And I can fix anything
If you let me near
Where are those secrets now
That you're too scared to tell
I whisper them all aloud
So you can hear yourself

I'm sorry I have to say it but you look like you're sad
Your smile is gone; I've noticed it bad
The cure is if you let in just a little more love
I promise you this, a little's enough.

Kagome's interelations with the rest of the InuYasha-tachi- Sango, Miroku, Shippou, & InuYasha (not so much him, he'll be dealt with later. It still works for him though). I love the subtleties of the interactions between the InuYasha-tachi, but Kagome's on the whole are my favorite relationships. Kagome doesn't go over the top or encroach awkwardly on their issues, but during the scenes in which she's allowed to, tenderly offers 'just a little more love.' I think this song applies best out of the group to Kagome+Sango, but it also works on the overall.

3- No Doubt- The Climb [Lyrics]
As I turned I could see myself falling falling
Which in return gave me strength for the climb

So high the climb
I can't turn back now
Must keep climbing up to the clouds
So high the climb
I can't turn back now
Must keep climbing up, up to the clouds

Although many failed
I must now prevail with no questions
Have no time to stop
Onward to the top of the mountain
Oh and I, I can't turn back now
It's so very high but I can't turn back now
If I keep it up, I'm gonna make it
I'm so very close cant you see

Kagome's greatest weakness is her own insecurity, and she spends a chunk of the series working to overcome that. During the time this is a prime struggle for her, it's really an uphill battle for Kagome, as every few steps she takes forward, something happens to knock her back a bit. I chose The Climb since it uses a Mountain/Cliff as an analogy, and while this works on a whole, it especially alludes to the arc that serves as the culmination of Kagome's development regarding this character flaw. In the Spirit of Mt. Asuza arc, Kagome comes face to face with a manifestation of her greatest insecurity and overcomes and surpasses it, thus escaping her biggest character flaw. All of this happens as she hangs perilously from the edge of a cliff with only one hand, so I found the song particularly appropriate. I also liked the spark of determination to the lyrics. Kagome never gives up through all of this, and gains strength through adversity.

4- Bic Runga- Winning Arrow [Lyrics]
Cast off your sorrows
The long night will end
Won't get the best of you

Casting a line to you
Love is a winning arrow
Fire it straight and true to wherever you are

Casting a line to you
Love is a winning arrow

It seems almost impossible to find songs referencing archery, but I wanted at least one on here. This is the song for Kagome's relationship with InuYasha, and since this is a Kagome FST- goes from her to him. I do think this song is pretty self-explanatory, and I like the use of the arrow as a positive connection between the two, considering the beginning of the series.


fandom: inuyasha, character: higurashi kagome, misc: fst

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