Get the supersoaker, she's having an existential crisis.

Sep 15, 2009 04:04

So, my 21st birthday is on Sunday. I will try my absolute best within this post not to descend too deeply into what's been worrying me, which is my current lack of actually living life to any real degree. I need to stop hiding away from everything. It is so easy to hide within various levels of fantasy and let things happen around me.

So, here's some birthday resolutions:

1) I will keep learning guitar. I won't give up just because barres are a bitch and I'm tired of playing the intro riff to Please, Please Me.

2) I will get my license so I can fucking get around.

3) I will not use not driving as an excuse for anything.

4) I will get a job. See number three.

5) I will commit myself to my current classes.

These are the basics.

Since the weekend is my birthday, my Dad is coming down to visit and we'll do...something. I've no idea what. And Grandma wants to take me to this bar that's supposed to have pretty awesome burgers. And mom- no idea what mom wants to do either.

resolutions, birfdays

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