Was rummaging around on
dwcanon_fodder and found this. Besides being an awesome description of the Doctor's bedroom, it totally confirms my belief that Six likes toy trains. I feel totally vindicated that my RP Six is more in character than I thought he was.
andrastewhite wrote:
"The scene was unfilmed so this is in no way canon, but Robert Holmes did write a description of the Sixth Doctor's bedroom for the script of Trial of a Time Lord:
Like the rest of the TARDIS it has the usual roundels covering the walls. Unlike the rest of the time machine it is in total chaos. In one corner there is an unmade bed. On a massive bookcase there is a selection of books: wax tablets, greek scrolls, ancient, fine leather bound volumes, Modern hard and paperbacks, etc. Like the rest of the room there is no order to their arrangement. In one corner there is a workbench covered in tools and furturistic engineering "work in progress". In another there is a flashing belecher beacon; a set of british traffic lights (circa 1935); a collection of lamps used to indicate "roadworks in progress" and a London Transport bus stop.
Also spread around the room is a collection of "antique objects gathered from different periods of Earth's history, which reflects the Doctor's interest and number of visits to that particular planet.
This is mixed in with a mass of objects gathered from his other various alien adventures.
Resplendent against one wall is a huge, beautiful roll-top desk. Somewhere else is a selection of weights and other bodybuilding equipment covered in dust and (for the fun of it) cobwebs. Against another wall is a massive american refrigerator, the sort you can store several oxen in. Round the floor is an elaborate train set in perfect working order.
The camera comes to rest of the Doctor, who is lying on the floor holding a feather duster. He is having great fun with the train, but as far as we can see the feater duster has seen very little service."