Merlin and Arthur and unicorns and oh my.
I didn't say anything about last week's ep, but there really isn't much to say other than I loved it more than chocolate.
And then came this week, and I loved it even more.
Merlin's a fair virginal maiden (Arthur tells him as much) whereas Arthur likes to kill shiny pretty things while standing by the most phallic tree in existence.
Merlin and Arthur revert to something uglier and younger for large parts of the episode, because Arthur knows he was wrong and isn't willing to accept it. And Merlin's having a harder time to accept that as he was getting used to Arthur being his one true shiny schmoo that was the most wonderfullest of them all, and to be shown wrong is just devastating. Merlin has Arthur up on this pedestal now and it's awful, because what if some day Arthur fails to live up to those expectations?
Not to mention the pedestal Arthur has Merlin on, this loyal, sweet, kind-hearted soul, who always speaks his mind and tells the truth. The fallout of Merlin's fall is going to horrible and it's going to break Arthur's little heart.
Aaand now back to the actual episode. They do like playing a little rough, don't they, those boys with their neck grabbing and boot throwing. And Merlin's amusement. OH.
Morgana and Gwen are still very lovely and so doing it. I wish they'd get more screentime. (Yay next week!)
The show is becoming surprisingly good at making me laugh out loud and breaking my heart into little pieces at a second's notice. Laughing: giant bugs / breaking my heart: Arthur and his daddy issues and guilt and Arthurness.
Merlin & Arthur & rat soup is one of the most amusing and disturbing things I've witnessed on any tv show for a while. Or, as
lexandros quite rightly put it: the slightly non-consensual blow job scene. Good lord.
Arthur doesn't want Merlin to come with him. Merlin goes anyway, because he is the best and the worst servant all in one package of adorable.
The labyrinth freaked me out, you guys.
Aaaaaand then we get the poisoned chalice and both boys tripping over themselves to sacrifice themselves over their schmoo. Like I've been saying all along (and now the keeper of the unicorns agrees with me): THEIR LOVE IS PURE.
Even if Merlin is no longer a fair, virginal maiden as he doesn't dare touch the unicorn again.
In conclusion: this show + unicorns = WIN.