So. I thought I'd start posting assorted ficbits that are mostly finished and just random things I never got around to posting.
TITLE: "epic"
AUTHOR: Cosmic (
DISCLAIMER: All hail Rob Thomas!
SPOILERS: Through s2, but mostly focusing on Look Who’s Stalking. Additionally, all of Buffy/Angel.
SUMMARY: "Veronica Mars knows epic. She watched Buffy the Vampire Slayer on television when she was growing up."
Veronica Mars knows epic. She watched Buffy the Vampire Slayer on television when she was growing up, in her early teens. She watched the dvds with Lilly, and they argued the merits of Angel vs. Spike. (Lilly ended up wanting both of them, or maybe Faith instead, but that's Lilly for you. That was Lilly.)
Buffy and Angel were epic. Veronica and Logan are nowhere in their league.
The thing with epic is that the shine will wear thin and reality will kick in, and Buffy will still be a Slayer and Angel will still be a vampire (with and sometimes without a soul). It's never not going to be screwed up.
People don't stop being who they are and life isn't going to stop screwing her around. She learned that the hard way, through her dead best friend and her rape and court documents and the college money her mom stole, twice.
Life doesn't stop when the case ends, when Buffy stares off into the distance, a busful of people the only reminder of the town they lived/fought/loved/hated/survived. It doesn't end with Veronica and Lilly floating on the water in a happy dream.
Veronica knows Logan's never going to be the kind of person she wishes he could be. She knows that. He's not going to stop self-destructing anymore than Angel's going to stop being a vampire. ("What about the Shanshu?" Lilly would have asked. She would've replied, "He gave that away to save his son. You didn't see that, because you died before that.")
She knows Buffy's cookie-dough, not done baking, that there's Spike, that there's Cordy and Nina, that there's no such thing as happily ever after.
This is what there is: a girl who's faced monsters, saved lives, and that all the family that matters still loves her.
A boy who's been lost longer than she has known him, a boy who lost his soul and got it back, did horrible things and good things, regardless, and was betrayed by the people he loved. He's always going to be broken and not hers to fix. He's always going to let her down, except for the times that he doesn't.
When he saves the world.