don't get me wrong, i can understand why valentine's would not be the most exciting for people who don't have anyone to share the day with. this note is for all of the people to don't celebrate it because it is "played up by corporate america," they "don't want to support an articficial holiday" blah blah blah. perhaps valentine's day has been
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the ONLY problem with valentine's day in particular (as in, the only thing that all holidays don't suffer from, like overcommercialization) is related to its exclusive nature.
the thing about the commercialization of this particular day is that it destroys the discretion that such a naturally exclusive holiday should ideally have. we paint towns red, throw candy and hearts and candy hearts everywhere, yell and scream about who we love. valentine's day is incredibly loud. that loudness has become so integrated with the day that it's tragically become its focus--it's become a yelling match between lovers (lovers meaning broadly "those who love"). we think, now, that the public DISPLAY of love is the important part of the holiday, which thus necessitates all the hooplah, and this notion unsheathes the weewee of consumerism and the two screw each other all day every year for eternity, which makes everything louder.
but a little noise never hurt anyone, right? especially when that noise is all about l-o-v-e? sorry, but no. valentine's day isn't a shiny new car; it's a shiny new car with a sign on it that says "don't you wish you had one?" valentine's day isn't a private party; it's a private party that everyone who didn't get invited knows about.
it's not the extra love part of the day that is total bullshit and a fabrication of consumerism. it's the noise. the supposed romance of shouting your love to the world. that's the bullshit.
what valentine's day needs is discretion. noise destroys that.
imagine a valentine's day that operated like everyone acknowledges that a private party should--people who aren't invited aren't told. it's okay for the day to be for lovers and only for lovers. that's all well and good. but, to be honest, they should keep it to themselves, especially if they don't want to get shit from the people they leave out. i don't mean necessarily that you go have a candle-lit dinner for two in a cave so that no one sees you. i just mean that it would be ideal for the day to be acknowledged as a day where lovers celebrate love WITH EACH OTHER. don't shut the fuck up, just whisper. that's romantic, right? right. surely a few drops of discretion would make the holiday a lot less offensive and a lot more worthy of existence.
i feel it's very rude to intrude on someone's journal without actually caring about them.
i asked because i was wondering.
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