Marvel 1.2

Jun 13, 2010 11:09

I really suck at this, sorry guys.

In the midst of the hell that comes from living in your yard in a blizzard, Spitefire Marvel graces us with her entrance into childhood.

"With a little hard work, life could get even better." Yeah, it probably could.

I think I would rather be at school.

I think living in my yard would make me LESS enthusiastic about nature, but what do I know?

Domino has odd priorities.

Lo, it was spring and they were allowed back into their home. And Domino acosts the gorgeous Capella (rhiannon_alexis).

Capella appreciates the finer things in life, like a good grilled cheese sandwich.

Domino is still recovering from the last challenge. Bounty is not amused.

The twins are the cutest things to ever cute.

Gimbel (simmytizzy)!

I may or may not have plans for the future at this point in time.

Sabine leads everybody on a hike, and they take the scenic route, through a patch of poison ivy.
Methinks Sabine is not a very good knowledge sim.

Hafnium (thealicecat) is very pretty.

I like to pretend I was being artistic, but really, their kitchen is too small.

Bluebird's stat type things. She does not like redheads.

Definitely not red-headed men.

Then this happened:
Beware, The Stuff! One of your sims, while wandering in the garden, finds a mysterious stuff coming up out of the ground; upon tasting it they find it is irresistibly delicious and CONSUME IT ALLLL. In the morning they are no longer themselves, but instead A MINDLESS ZOMBIE! Random roll (using or similar resource) between all of the zombie-prone sims in the house, and turn whichever one you've rolled into a zombie. Optional challenge! To include MATY's Zombie Apocalypse hack upon rolling this challenge.**

Optional challenge you say? Bring it on, I stupidly reply.

Am I the only on who thinks she's cute this way?

Bounty maybe harbors some resentment towards her mother. Or just likes zombies.

Definitely, completely and totally super.

Really, I have no idea how it could get any better.

This is where the zombie apocalypse hack goes crazy.

What an observant little girl Bounty is.

You can't tell, but this fight cloud is where I started to put my foot down.

Awe. Foot definitely down.

I fixed her. This non-zombie teen Bluebird.

Sigh. Zombies.

This is just 'cause I've never had a zombie before.

Week over, Sabine is cured. Against her wishes.

New challenge:
Repo! The Genetic Opera: Pay no bills for the entirety of the week. Say hello to the Repo man!

You mean we weren't supposed to be doing that anyway? >>;

Time for the twins to become slightly less tooth-achingly adorable.

Spitfire likes it when you cook in your underwear. I, on the other hand, do not. Nasty grease burns usually ensue.

Bounty's last childhood shot, incase you all did not know how gorgeous she is.

On the make-up front, Bounty wants you to either go big or go home.

Did you forget how gorgeous she is? 'Cause she'd like to remind you.

Spitfire is also gorgeous. And has a rockin' hat.

photos, vdsl, sims

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