(no subject)

Nov 09, 2007 14:37

It's my birthday! Happy birthday me and also, happy birthday Kaitlyn =D I am going to see Pseudolus tonight and go to renfest tomorrow. This weekend will be awesome.

friday five!

1. What is something you collect? Why? forks and I don't know why

2. If you could make one ice cream flavor, what would the ingrediants be and what would be the name? celerycream. I would make it of celery and iced cream.

3. What can't you go a day without? um...talking to keri? maybe the internets. how sad XD

4. What position do you sleep in? *back, right side, left side, stomch...ETC* on my left or right side, usually in the fetal position.

5. What is your typical morning routine before work/school? I wake up and shower/brush teeth. I may eat breakfast. I put on clothes and eyeliner and go to school.

friday five

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