Hello all! As I said earlier, I've been avoiding reading (and therefore reccing) multichap fics. There are several reasons for this, most of which I'm sure you can all figure out.
That being said, I am hereby requesting links to any recent multichaps you've read that you think I should check out. If you're worried about pimping your own story or a friend's or causing wank (or whatever) feel free to post anonymously - I'll try to read everything that's left and I'll post a list of multichap recs when I'm finished!
Piece by Piece by
jetami, PG-13
Pitch Black by
myashke, NC-17 smutlet, short, hot, and sweet
Regardless by
blxck, PG angsty fic
Harry and Draco by
joosetta, R
More Harry and Draco by
_littlun, PG, modeled after the ever-imitated "The Kiss" (Which, if you don't know, originally featured two girls. If you want to see it, just go to allposters.com and search for "the kiss.")
Harry and a tutorial by