TONS of H/D Art Recs

Aug 05, 2005 20:59

I'm baaaack! Here are a few recs from the last week or so week and a half, I hope you all didn't miss me too much =)
Please note that I'm no longer putting spoilery content under cuts. I will mark them as spoilery, but I'm not gonna do the separate section thing because it takes too long AND YOU ALL SHOULD BE FINISHED BY NOW. Heh, k.

Fics (catching up on this will take awhile)
Reality Bends by cloudsurfing, PG-13 and haunting

Art (Lots!)
Harry & Ferret by _tails_, G
Harry/Draco line-art by harkskar, R. Also check out her various and sexy threesome!arts featuring our favorite duo, plus Seamus, rated R/NC-17
Draco & Myrtle by potterpuffs, G and *spoilery*; also, be sure to check out the latest potterpuffs design - I'm not sure when it was updated, but it has Harry & Draco and it made me feel all warm and fuzzy

Harry & Draco by kungfooqueen, PG
Tension by coldbeverage, G, because it sort of reminds me of Gorillaz art
Eskimo!kiss by xenoface, G
An adorable H/D animation by ravyn_ashling, PG-13 and hilarious, done for Harry's B-day
Happy Birthday, Harry! by tsukinohoshi, PG-13
Harry, Draco, and other characters by ali_wildgoose, G, *spoilery*
Harry and other characters by lawofsyllogism, PG-ish, *spoilery*
Follow the White Ferret by mayflo is finished, and NC-17, so stay away kiddies

Art Recs Via hp_art_daily (Just in case you're already keeping up with them.)
Draco & Harry by elithebarrowboy
Harry/Draco by nebulaean, R, must join the community to see! As I've said before, IT'S WORTH IT.
Draco by femmequixotic - the Draco pic is rated G, the fic included is Snaco and rated NC-17
Mother's Finest by apox__hp, featuring Draco, G

The Little Princes by red_rahl, part of a series of three. The first is here and the last is here - she links to them all from my initial link.
Harry by sherant, G
Falling by nekozumi_chan, colored by nekozumi_chan, featuring Harry/Draco, G and lovely. Make sure to scroll down and check out the links to other awesome Draco & Harry art by nekozumi_chan
Harry by gredandfeorge
Draco by kokiri85, text has *spoilers*; she also did a lovely picture of Harry
Harry by drunken_piper, G
Harry/Draco by miyoung_boz
Harry at Bat by red_rahl, very NC-17

Two beautiful icons by spygurl121
A lovely one by mayonaka_hitori
A nice set by faith1922
Cutesies by ravyn_ashling
Potterpuffs & Quotes by lorielen

There seems to be a lull in HD-icon-making. I guess because all the pictures have been used a bajillion times. Hopefully, come November (*squeeee*) there will be a rapid influx with new screenshots =)

azure_blue has made a duojinshi called "Coming Home":
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Lovely wallpapers by random_snitch
hd_notes was updated

Do you guys want me to catch up on the whole week and a half I was gone or would that just be redundant? Please leave a comment and let me know =)

I will catch up on fics tomorrow!

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