Hey, my few remaining peeps on my flist....

Mar 05, 2010 22:06

So, I know what you're probably thinking: Where the fuck have you been? Good question. The answer is I've been here all along, only with a very boring life not worth blogging about. Well that, plus one of the posts I made some months back (about a certain girl, if you recall) about something very personal that happened to me really hit a sore nerve that I didn't know even existed. I thought it was over and done with and I had dealt with it so it would never bother me again. HAHAHAHA...no.

When I admitted that it had happened to me, I was shaken up and I sat back to...well, reflect. Did this change anything about me? No, I guess not, but it did color my view of things. I'm sorry for the silence for so long, but something about admitting what happened suddenly made me feel naked and exposed. I didn't feel like anyone had judged me for what happened and I only received support and kindness from my flist, but the fact that it hit me so hard made me realize that I needed some time away for a bit. It's vague, but I think it sums everything up pretty well.

So, what's changed? Well, I have fallen in love with one of my friends who's become my wonderful boyfriend of (about) 8 months (yay!). He keeps hinting that marriage is in the future (yay!). I took a risk and am working a new job that I think I'm really going to enjoy (yay!). I am working on a novel short story paragraph something I hope will be published in some sort of media at some point during my life and am currently trying to finish the things I start. Things are looking up in my life and I am utterly content for the first time in I don't know how long.

So what happens now? Well, now I head to my cousin's for a horror movie marathon with plenty of beer and snacks. I am ready for my third day at my new job tomorrow and I think I'm ready to come back to livejournal. If anyone is reading this (and considering how long I've been away, I wouldn't be surprised if I'm just talking to myself), I hope you can forgive the silence and know that I appreciated the support I've received in the past. *kisses*

personal shit is not so bad actually

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