
Apr 30, 2009 18:15

Wow, I'm post happy.

So, I received a check from school. Apparently I got a PLUS loan for $4,000. I don't remember signing up for this loan, but it's already been applied to my classes and the check for the remainder is in my bank account. If I try to send the money back, it'll be taken as a payment and I'll start getting billed for my loans. Fuck, I thought online classes were supposed to be cheaper, but I'm already in debt for about $10k for less than a full year. Whoo. It makes me nauseous just thinking about it.

Anyway, I figured that since it's now my money and I'm going to have to pay it back eventually, I would get stuff I need. For example: a new laptop. My current laptop has a quirky feature that causes it to overheat and immediately shut down. This feature also prevents me from starting the computer back up for twenty minutes to an hour. The quirky feature fails to realize that I don't have all damn day to wait. The name of this feature? LACK OF A FUCKING COOLING FAN. Yeah, I've got one of the attachable cooling fans that kinda, sorta works half the time, but I'm always in danger of my computer going, "IZ SLEEPY TIMEZ NAO!" at any given time.

I was also looking into getting a phone. I have a phone that you load minutes onto, but no texting, no pictures, no music, no media whatsoever, and I can only really afford about fifty bucks worth even on paydays. The assholes at the company decided to make it sound like I'm getting 500 minutes. Nope. The going rate for one single minute is twenty cents. Yeah, I'm getting ripped off. Plus talking to family in another state, plus friends in another state, plus friends in this state make things...expensive. If I can pay the deposit for the phone, I could use the fifty bucks I use on my crappy phone for a good plan that covers fuckeverything.
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