I, like many others, have mixed feelings about Valentine's Day. Don't get me wrong, I like the concept. I just feel that, like Christmas, a lot of the meaning gets lost. (Especially after I've heard that "every kiss begins with Kay", a gazillion times) However, last year the day took on a little more meaning for me. I became an ambassador for the White Ribbon campaign, aimed at ending domestic violence. One of the goals for White Ribbon day, is for men to stand up and say that all forms of domestic abuse are unacceptable and that they will not stand by and allow them. There is no "none of my business".
I encourage all of my male friends to go to
http://www.janedoe.org , go to the white ribbon day section and to sign the pledge that you will not allow domestic violence and abuse to go by, unchecked. While you may make donations (and I hope that you can make a donation) all that we are really asking is for you to state, publicly, what you feel about this issue.
Thanks to Gov. and Mrs. Patrick, former Gov. Celluci, and thousands of others, Massachusetts now has a chance to lead the nation in anti-violence initiatives, as opposed to the shameful record of the previous administrations. (That means you, Mitt)
Thanks for your attention,