
FedEx is the worst

Nov 15, 2021 18:08

Another installment in a long series of FedEx failures over many years...

According to tracking, my replacement macbook arrived at a FedEx facility in Seattle on Wednesday evening. However it was scheduled for delivery Friday by 1pm, not Thursday. Oh well, it's not an overnight or 2-day package, I guess that's fine.

Friday morning, their tracking was still staying that, but shortly after 1pm, I got an update notification that it was delayed and would be delivered Monday by 1pm. When I checked tracking, the new entry for that day was "not scheduled for delivery", whatever that means.

Monday morning, today, it still said it would be delivered today by 1pm, and later in the morning it said it was out for delivery. And then, another update that my package is delayed, and now their tracking system says it's because "the recipient's business is closed for a holiday". WTF? This is a residential apartment building, and although there is a business in the building directly next to our front door, it's a dentist's office that has been lit and obviously open since early morning.

First call to FedEx, customer service says they're going to transfer me to customer service. Second person takes my tracking number, and oops, suddenly I'm on their post-call automated survey asking me to rate the quality of service I got.

Second call to FedEx, this time I get a customer service person who doesn't need to transfer me. She tells me she'll send a message to have the driver come "back" (I say that in quotes because I don't think they ever came here in the first place) to "re"-attempt.

Early afternoon, another notification, and FedEx tracking now says the item was returned to their local facility at 1:24pm.

Third call to FexEx ends up similar to the first - I start talking to someone and before I can even give them my whole tracking number, I'm on the automated post-call survey.

Fourth call to FedEx, I get to talk to someone new, and she says she'll ask to have a driver deliver it. She promises I'll get an update within 15 minutes.

Hours later, fifth call to FedEx after not having received an update, and I get a customer service person who tells me they will not try to deliver today because it's not a priority item.


Although I try to remember to tell any business who's sending me something to not use FedEx, and try to choose non-FedEx shipping options when I order online, sometimes I don't have a choice :( Apparently Apple always ships with FedEx? They didn't ask me. FedEx is by far the worst at delivering packages, consistently, at several different places I've lived, on opposite coasts. Avoid them if you can.

Update: Tuesday, it was again marked "business closed". A few more calls caused them to open a "case" that unlike the previous day's case, was transferred to someone who actually called the local FedEx location a couple of times. They eventually tracked down that it was not even sent out that day at all, and that nobody could explain why it was scanned as "business closed". They promised to send out out the next day (that is, today). We'll see.
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