Enough states have voted that the end is getting clearer.
TL;DR: Probably President Clinton. Well, it was already the most probably outcome before any primaries happened, but it's getting kinda close to near-certain now. Here's how I see the numbers...
Democratic primary... )
Superdelegates will eventually close ranks around whoever is going to get a majority of pledged delegates. Continue ignoring them or what they're doing now or what they might do after the next few primaries.
Clinton is very unlikely to really stumble. But if she does, and it's during the primaries, it'd be a really good thing to have Sanders close behind her, because then he can win. But like I said, very unlikely.
> I think the only question is whether Rubio calls it quits before or after FL
That *was* the question before Super Tuesday. I think Super Tuesday's results mean that he will stick it out through Florida. Since Cruz is trying his best to prevent Rubio from winning Florida, a Trump win seems very likely. Cruz is trying the same thing against Kasich in Ohio, too, increasing the likelihood of a Trump win there.
I will bet on Trump losing to Clinton because he's so toxic to minority voters and has such sky-high negatives with the general public.
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