Aug 06, 2009 02:01
- 13:28:50: Freakin' United Airlines. This is TWO flight in a row that they've cancelled on me. Flying any other airline from now on. Probably Southwest
- 13:56:15: @ MellyMel81 Yeah... It wasn't cheaper this time around, but I'm flying it back from San Fran.
- 14:02:30: I'd say that the vacation starts now that I've goten through security at DIA, but I think I'll wait until I actually get *on* a plane.
- 14:09:23: @ MellyMel81 Awesome... T-minus 4.5 hours (of travel) until vacation starts.
- 14:11:08: It will take me longer to fly to Vegas than for my sister & cousin to driver there from LA. Thanks, #United.
- 14:25:08: Wish I hadn't forgotten my earplugs. Baby on the plane... Crying before we've even finished loading. Gonna be a long day.
- 14:27:56: @ syducingfate A guy just walked onto the plane wearing a shirt that says "Hot Waffles to Go". And yes, he looks like a DW.
- 17:16:19: Ok, people... Get off the plane. I have 20 minutes!
- 17:24:14: Could not have had a tighter connection, but I'm now getting on a plane bound for Vegas.
- 17:33:24: @ goolia58 @mellymel81 I'm always happy to provide a play-by-play of my life. That's the point of Twitter, right?
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