(no subject)

Mar 19, 2010 11:23

Most entries in my journal are strictly Friends Only. However, there is that very special time when it will be filled with tales of travel, concert photos, and other tour-based drivel. In those particular cases, entries will be public for a period of time, after which they will be locked and only my listed friends can access them.

So, in the event that you choose to be one of those listed friends, I conduct my journal in the following manner:

Content and Commenting

I post about my life. My life isn't always interesting to other people. I do my best to make it so, but if I'm posting about something, it's clearly significant to me. Topics that may be important to me and not to you can include but are not limited to: music, horses, academics, sports, Starbucks, my family and friends, television shows, and quite a bit of Hanson chatter. Many of them contain quite a bit of dry humor. If you don't pick up on sarcasm very well, you're not going to find them funny. That's okay, but you might be bored. With that said, I will read your entries. I appreciate people who read mine. Don't add me if you're a skimmer.

I sometimes post about fandoms. I have had complaints in the past, so please understand that I will post about television shows, movies, or bands that I particularly enjoy. If you find that boring or petty, don't add me. I, however, promise to always put anything that may be "spoilerish" behind a cut.

I am agnostic. It is unimportant to me what you are. I very rarely discuss religion. I am not interested in debating it with you. If you initiate such debates, you will be removed from my friends list and I will ask you to do the same for me. I believe in tolerance and coexistence, and if you don't identify with that, I can't relate to you anyway.

I curse. Sometimes a lot. I appreciate a good four letter word here and there for strong emotional impact, and if that offends you, you shouldn't add me.

I'm not a commenting whore. I comment when something strikes me to do so, and I don't comment when I don't feel like it. When I do, however, I try to make them meaningful. Please do the same.

I post lots of goodies. I won't say what those are here because I would be tracked down and tortured. But when I post those goodies, I much appreciate the favor returned. A few things to mention about those posts:
-Don't ask me where I get what I post. I'm resourceful.
-Don't ask me to repost in a different format. Download the necessary free programs like everyone else.
-Don't ask me how to make it work on your computer. I have no idea.
-Don't ask me to find something for you. Be resourceful yourself.
-It is perfectly okay to ask me if I have something. If I have it and you ask, I'll tell you. If I have it and you need it, I'll probably give it to you.

Friends and Friending

Please friend me if you feel so inclined. However, please comment on this entry so that I know you did so, and can friend you back. Most people will get a first-time-by, and I will friend you no questions asked provided your journal is frequently updated and is at least a few months old. This is a safety and security thing for me. However, I will remove you if I find you do any of the following:

-Type in Netspeak. Please grow up. I can use full sentences, capitalization, and punctuation. So can you.
-Make entries containing racism, attacking a political party/religion/culture, or that are otherwise closed minded and shallow. I don't tolerate it - end of story.
-Make regular, graphic entries about your sex life. I don't care. A random mention here and there about something that is important is fine, but I don't need to know the details.
-Make entries about self-injury, eating disorders, drug or alcohol abuse, severe depression, or thoughts/plans of suicide. I just don't want to read it. However, if it's posted behind a clearly labeled cut, I will be more likely to friend you.

I don't post when I do a friends cut. I think that's asinine. If I choose to remove you it's because you violate one of the above, I feel like we have nothing in common, or I can't remember who you are or why I added you. So if I remove you, I will do it quietly and move on. I appreciate the same courtesy.

I don't filter. I think it's a waste of time. I you choose to filter me, that's perfectly fine.

If you only wish to add me for tour photos, etc. that's fine. Comment saying you added me and that it's not necessary for me to add you back. Then, when I make public posts with tour reports and photos, they'll show up on your friends page, but you won't get any of my daily life entries.

All comments on this entry will be screened. It's my business who wants to be added, and it's also my business how I respond to your comments.

That's it! If you made it this far, please comment to be added. :)

~Corynn Marie
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