Aug 10, 2002 02:49
I wish things werent like they are now.
I wish that tings could change somehow.
I wish i could make things like i wish them to be.
I wish that I could make people just somehow see.
How differnt choices could be for the best.
How some people just arent like the rest.
I wish that feelings could easily change.
I wish this world wasnt so strange.
I wish that I could make it known.
I wish that my feelings had'nt grown.
For now i feel like its all been a sham.
And now i see how much of a fool i am.
For thinking that thi sheld something more.
Yet I still wish it did,as ive wished before.
But i fear that sadly,this will never be
Yet i truly wish you were here with me.
I pine,I hurt,I dream,I bleed.
And still its only you..the one i need.